Saturday, October 24, 2015

Wake up world,  it's 6:10 am .......

This picture now,   because,  it's soothing

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'm telling you,   I had a crummy night.   I lost my camera too.   Now,  because my nerves are
in a frenzy,   ( my coffee wasn't exactly helpful ),  my nervous impulse demanded to get up and look for this camera,  that I can't live without !!!!!! ( or so says my nerves).    Our  sub-conscious is sometimes,  soooooo  demanding !   You see,  I had tried to find it and was not focusing well,  unbelieving that I could have misplaced it.   I just gave up and tried to rest,  until everything settled down.  But those demands just hounded my mind or heart,  get up,  find,  find it !!    Perspective,  that's what I said,  I need perspective.   I decided to turn off my usual music.  I put on my eyebrow/make-up.   As the walls started to close in,   this came to me,  "it's like you have a hangover" !!    Well,  that certainly did put this in perspective for me.  

I don't drink hardly any and when I do,  it's not that much.   But,  if I did I know that one would just  see-it-through",  until,  the hangover passed.  ( That's a shorter time than trying to "fix" everything NOW.    So,  having gained this insight,   I decided I "could" write my blog this morning and share this thought,   no matter what "training"  we are getting or have learned in the past,   sometimes,  when those things don't work for us,  "We  Do The Best We Can ",  and at those times it makes me crazier if I think beyond the "moment"  .  "Keeping it real " ........ for now.

* Perspective  .........

For me,  right now,  this picture says it all,   just a "no matter" attitude

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..................................................................................................:)

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