Sunday, July 12, 2015


I'm back .......from Glendale, CA.  The party was a time of "getting together and talking about "old times"  
by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I moved back to my  beautiful,  sweet,  adorable, "happy" home here in Ojai in May 2015.  Seems like a lot longer.  My time here has mushroomed and so many fabulous things have happened that makes this place for me, "the happiest place on earth".  

Visiting my old "haunt" in Glendale yesterday didn't bring back the wonderful memories I use to have. That being said,  I am "glad" to be back here in my own home this morning. I remind myself, that I can and will visit those fond memories whenever I choose in my "head".

Being back with "dear" friends,  DID help me "draw-a-line" in the sand regarding "relationships",   meaning,  time marches on, my life has changed.  I learned who to LOVE, but more like,  who I am going to invest "time" and "emotions" in.   Some old & some new "delightful",  "dependable" "hearts" have entered/re-entered my "world" and I am deeply "grateful" for them. ........:)  Just a fact that they have reached a level of life time connections
& quality.

Well, this IS my blog and often that's what people who write blogs do, write down what might be 
visiting our brains, especially this early in the morning. I got home late yesterday to "home sweet home"  very "HAPPY" to be living here in this "fantastic" place.

Trains are such an "awesome" experience.  Taking the train has been comfortable, expedient, and a way to meet people from all walks of life.  Conductors temperaments "vary" but I can't say enough about how pleasant and helpful most of them are.  So, "kudos", to them, & "hats off to them all,  male "&" female.

I close with this "happy" anticipatory"  thought,   I'm looking forward to pushing open my sliding glass door on this "gorgeous" land, where I enjoy my "freedom", and "EXPLORE" all the vistas I have at my opportunity.  

I recommend the "train", it sometimes takes you where you didn't expect to go, but perhaps need to anyway!
I have a place called "HOME" how GREAT is that? 
MEANWHILE,  back-at-the RANCH,  "Welcome,  friends !!!! 

Have a "wonderful",  "exciting" ,  "SUNDAY",  July 12, 2015 ! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................:),  http:lilymakesmesmile,com, ( _ archives 10/14 - 1/15 by Kat Carlson )  ( I Support Life) & (Living Words)

Friday, July 10, 2015

A TOPIC _ for this Friday,  July 10, 2015  "ORGANIZED" 

by: Kat Carlson _ authorized/publisher

To begin,  I am organized,  yes, I have always been.   BUT,  what compelled me to write about this topic,  has way more to do with my "inner-LIFE".  I "FIRMLY" believe,  when one has taken-to-task,  the practices of how one administers , manages,  all one's "HEALTH",  mental & definitely, "PHYSICAL" ( such as what I eat , too ),   "every facet"  of one's "entire" SELF !  Doing this daily, creates "healthy organs",  see where I am going with this.?     What I do ("practice") inside & outside,   just quite  simply keeps those tissues (organs) "HEALTHY".  See,  the consequences ARE  "everything" "ORGAN-IZED"   or also this concept   "ORDER".    There is "ORDER" in our "UNIVERSE" , "THANKFULLY" !!!!    Teaching one's "SELF" to have an actual mental picture of ALL  the  ORGANS inside the BODY,    I am able to "SEE" (visualize) my own.   Pretty darn good thing too!  _ " NO SURPRISES & NO BLAMING SOMETHING , OR ,  SOMEONE else."  Having "control" of "ME" is a "VERY SWEET" experience.  ( That "MAY"even be why,  I DON'T have "DIABETES" )...... ya' know ?  No,  really go ahead and give this lots of consideration !!!!

Keep this "TRUTH" in front of you,  know this, " IF NOT ME,  then who ? 

 OUR ORGANS,  like "IDAHO potatoes"  have "eyes" ....  well,......:),   when you do have eyes -to -see"inside " you,  things change for the better,  right ? 

LIFE IS GOOD,  and even better when you are good ( considerate) to it

I'll take a few days off,   friends,  "GOING TO GLENDALE,  CA  on AM TRAK,  "
I have a Birthday Celebration Party Combo to "happily" attend,  with GOOD FRIENDS,  Saturday & Sunday,  July 11 & 12 

  _" ALL ABOARD" !!  _  Wanta'  go with  me ?  ......:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:) 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Now, "truth" be told, ........I am really just a scare-dy Kat more times than I admit !

by: Kat Carlson  _author/publisher

Yep,  often I "go-out-on-a-limb" get rather bold,  speak out (and other things) and boom,  there I am, right smack dab in the middle of a "crisis".  Of course one of my own making,  who else is there ?  I kind of like this picture,  I'm pretty comfortable taking pictures and posting them,  mostly of others,  lately !!   Like these gorgeous horses .......

Red,  my friend Vicki"s horse is her charge alone now for 10 years.  He was being put down, and she "fell" for him ! Brought him home for a few months or maybe more,  but DID NOT ever expect this "duo" to last that long.

Here is the "two of them",  ever faithful Vicki, right by his side,  feeding & cleaning & sometimes riding,  every single day of the year,  twice a day ( at least) !  Hot weather or not, & of course "cold" weather as well.  Hooray for my gal pal !!!!   I'm not done telling this story......

Vicki also cleans several other stables,  this is who I named "Darthvadar"

Here in the exact same corral, is Darth's pal,  Luke Skywalker..........:)  That name,  because of the "light" stripe
Darthvadar,  because he is well,  "DARK"

* "R2D2" may just be in my next blog.  Oh yes, I have him,  folks !

* Savor the "moments" you "have"  during this visit to our planet,  _ Earth !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................................:)


Days ago, I started another blog on WordPress "" dedicated to helping out a little with ERGONOMICS

by : yours truly,  Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

Only a few blogs designed toward fixing a toilet that keeps on running,  and one little blog on 
"how to" soothe your heart _  the sound of my clock goes "tick -tock" ,  "tick-tock", "tick tock"
over and over again.  But that very night I WAS able to sleep with that little gadget.  What I am going to say in this blog is about many,  many, things that CAN be fixed,  made, created with little time and money and effortlessly.  I am a sort of " JACKIE" of all trades.............:)  Maybe even a
JACKELYN of all trades.  I use hammers, screwdrivers, tree trimmers, wrenches, ladders,  paint, paint brushes, wheel barrows,  power screwdrivers, drills, etc.  ERGONOMICS,  there are classes in Universities that teach this timely study.  Today's world is in dire need of short-cuts, and money saving tips,  along with the ability to keep up and "have  a life" too. 

Although I tackle a few odd jobs around the house,  I really........
can,.....look,  feel,  talk,  even "SING" like a "GIRL"...........of 75 yrs.

( I have always forgotten to mention,  I AM a Massage Therapist too!...although I am retired ! )

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................:) 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


This is the pic I selected for "this" topic.... 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

A topic of this nature "may" be "rejected",  once I expound on it.  But,  here goes !  I am somewhat of a dare-devil !  Have taken many routes that are unpopular,  and have accomplished a "great" deal.  So, this is it. 

The "whole" of mankind & the man vs. woman delima from the garden of Eden, (let's say), the
"real" issues are derived from sexuality.  Which carries over in the "financial" world,  based on 
gender.  Gender has to do with our body parts and their use.  I'm sorry,  I know, it's kind of off-the-wall sounding,  maybe it won't (penetrate),  oh my, that's "THE" word,   of course.  Anyway, this entire issue,  "dominance" vs "dominance",  has gotten into our psyche's and prevented you & me from "utter freedom"  and/or "wholeness".   Wholeness is offered to us in the name of "LOVE",  and that is where the confusion lies.  My only experience with "LOVE" is the same as the rest of us,  human love.  God's "LOVE",  although it is "loving and romantic,  it is that and "then some !!!!    I DO NOT  believe GOD is a man or a woman.   There,  that's what I mean.   That may be what causes  the confusion,   when you are ready to come to completion in your ready to "Live & Move & Have Your Being "  as was stated by GOD as what we have & are in Jesus Christ.    Understand,    that "Freedom"  is meant for now,    in this lifetime.  "My God shall supply "ALL" MY needs  .......  "ALL" ,   or  "SOME" ?    I AM A BOTTOM LINE KIND OF GIRL !       "Is the job finished or NOT ?"    I hope that you "DO"  have everything you need and "DO" have your "COMPLETE BEING".......oh, no,  it's pink,   that will never do......:)   It's a guy thing !


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(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................:),, ( Word Press archives 10/14-1/15 ) WordPress, ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

It's a "beautiful" morning  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Here in _country-land, U.S.A. ,  "LIFE" is quite simply, a fabulous trip !  As the song goes, by Johnny Mathis,  " IT'S  HEAVENLY,  HEAVENLY. "  I hope you have heard that one.  If not, I am certain you will enjoy it when you do.  Another song/album,  I can't say enough about is: Barbra Streisand's,   " A LOVE LIKE OURS" !

This is home-on-the-range for me.  Yesterday,  I walked around the property with gobs of trees, 
all kinds of them avocados (14), orange (40+), oak ( I stopped counting those) , pepper trees, and other varieties as well.  I took my camera for a few new shots for my blogs.  This one above is a sample. Now,  this one ....

A few avocado trees

Sigh ...........well,  the topic or title this day is "HEAVENLY" , and I want to say,  as I lay down on my bed at 6:30 p.m. exhausted,  I felt , ready for this ?,  oh my,  the feeling was "BLISS".  I have been concentrating or creating in my mind,  this thought, "a blissful body",  I was taken aback (not really),  just purely & simply,  lavished in my first experience of actual "BLISS".  

Life is good.  It just keep getting better.   Practice " SILENCE",  _my recent updated article over on Google+ and Facebook,  but you can also find it on Blogger ( One Step Closer, by me Kat Carlson).

I still walk up-the-hill each & every morning, along with visiting the stables, horses & my friend (hard-working) Vicki

"Devotion" _  ( that's her "RED") 
 The horses,   people,   working the land,   trimming trees,   raking,   piling and loading these leaves,   branches,... they ALL,   contribute to my   JOY and PEACE and now BLISS.     Hard work of this kind,  makes for a  "happy" LIFE.   You see,  I don't stress over these things or any kind of things I do now,  when I want to quit,  I walk away ,  that is the same for everything I do.   Just put-it-aside,  it isn't going away,   and there is plenty of time to go back.  Make no mistake,  I DO enjoy the work too !

So now,  this morning,  there's a variety of music for you,  a must- read article/blog on SILENCE, this one on Heavenly,  and a whole "brand new day"  to write your story on.  You are your own composer,  ya know ?   

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................:)


Monday, July 6, 2015


Wonder if I will have to take my "Folgers Classic Roast " to Glendale ?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

In a very few days from now, in fact this Saturday,  I am taking a little "SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY ",  to my old "haunt" in Glendale, CA.  Some of us "friends" are celebrating!
This celebration is two-fold.   First the wonderful _(cocina)_ kitchen server,  Anna,  is completing her 27th year at Leisure Vale Retirement Community !  Second,  it is "my 75th birthday ".   There will enough of us at Mimi's (Los Feliz) to "PARTEE') and guzzle down "mimosas",  or maybe ...sip them  ?  Anyway,  I will travel on AmTrak.     When eating and all the catching- up is over at Mimi's ,  back at Leisure Vale,   I "may" be able to sing at Kareoke.    Songs I usually sing are ...  my favorites "Twilight Time" _ the Platters,  "I Love You for Sentimental Reasons," _ Mr. Nat King Cole,   " Put Your Head on my Shoulders" _ by Paul Anka ,   " Just the Way You Are," _ Mr. Billy Joel  " Sea of Love" _ the Honeydrippers,  "Earth Angel"  " Hello Dolly",  and more !  It's going to be-a-blast !

I will put down my tree trimmer,  rake,  shovel,  wheel barrow, .....

 and "DRESS TO IMPRESS" ....... ?

Sounds like fun,  huh?

However there are "still" 4 more days until I go.  Yesterday,  I was able to tackle, MORE leaves, and trim a few more branches of my orange trees.  That job never runs out.   So, being a Kentucky farm girl from the "get-go" ,  I am right at home,  here on this "beautiful land."

There  is definitely something really "magic" about working the land.  I think,  perhaps it's sobering.    It's "REALITY ".    I  "get more" than I give.   "I FEEL GOOD" _ as sung by: Mr. James Brown.............:)

Beautiful,  "yummy" avocado trees,  ready  to harvest in about 5-6 more months !

Come back folks,   again,   it is "always",  "my"  pleasure.....

(_A Wink & A Smile_)............................................................................:),,  ( Word Press...archives 10/14 to 1/15),  there when you want them....available 24 hrs a day.....:), ( I Support Life & Living Words)