Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Come with me on today's excursion

by :  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson    _  author/publisher

When I head out my door,  I quite simply do NOT know where I will end up.  So,  come along with me
as I journey to parts unknown.   

First,  these early morning travelers ..... passed.  I asked their permission to take their pictures.

Note the time,  I am never alone in the early hours ......

So then I continued to walk and debate with myself about the direction to take.   Several thoughts came to mind,  but I vetoed them when I approached this interesting by way ........

Having passed this way often,  but promising myself that one day I would climb down below and see
what others had the courage to go see .........

Here I go .... or maybe not .......                  
See what I mean ?  Mountain lions ? ?

Well,  nothing ventured,  nothing gained.  So,  off I go into the wild blue yonder,  down,  down this sort of steep incline

Nearing the what is known as the river bottom ....I kept on (but not before asking a jogger lady with  her dog, did you see a mountain lion .....she said "no")   so I continued ....

Pretty nice down here,  huh?

Next this sign .........

This reserve has only been protected for thirteen years,  I moved to this valley 26 years before that !

Sadly,  where I am and where this man is walking with his dogs,  this entire river bottom will quite probably be completely

under water with the predicted "El Nino" floods,  in merely months ahead of us........ So heading back to
Rice Rd.,

A rocky climb up,  up to the top.........

Almost there ...I am proud that I took this journey to the bottom of our river

I am a "sure-footed" little traveler/hiker !   And,  hey,  no mountain lions,  that I could see anywhere .....
now above it all ...

So I look back from across the street on where else ? ...Rice Rd.

Who do I run into next ? ........ these guys,  all three,  Oh,  I should say "four",  since baby Claire Rose
will be making her debut in two weeks.   Good luck, ......all of you !

See you around guys ...........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .....................................................................:)

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