Monday, October 12, 2015


Yesterday,  the "two of us"  ( my beloved brother & I)  shared precious moments after three years.

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It has been my pleasure to know and experience four "great" brothers.  I am blessed
and thankful for all four.

Ron,  who you see above with me lives in Spokane,  Washington.   Come visit again soon,
bro'.   Next time  bring your nap sack ,  and "rake" ........:)

Be well & prosper ..... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................:)

Friday, October 2, 2015


Greetings from lovely Ojai Valley's shopping center ....

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson   _author/publisher

This is "my" day of receiving monies,  in the bank via S. S. !   The folks I know around town and all over the country are also divvying up the "rewards" of working lo those many,  many years.   Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor ?   Don't spend it all in one place.   Me,  the grocery store does a darn good business on each first of the month.  Have you gone yet?   I waded through the crowd hours ago.   Plenty buying for the weekend,  storing up for the month ahead.   It is a wonderful gathering place to catch up and say "hey".

This mall is available to Ojai-ians 7 days a week.

 In this little shopping center,  there is a Von's store ( market),  a Rexall Drug store,  a Hardware store ( True Value), Beauty Shop,  Movie & DVD rental store,  a boutique type store,  a dress shop,  and a restaurant called " Eggs & Potatoes".   Sometimes I get to go there for "Huevos Rancheros".  Yum !!

What is helpful to me is this bus stop,  with a large Gold Coast bus which travels to Ventura.  Everyday,  I can ride every half hour,  but must limit it on weekends to one bus per hour to and from Ventura.

Along side this shopping mall is this great bus stop to Ventura, CA

I am grateful for all that is here and provided for us.  Gold Coast transit to Ventura picks us up every 1/2 hr,   except weekends which is every hour.  The ride is fabulous,  but you cannot be in a hurry.   The ride to most places in Ventura, and most especially,  VTC ....our transit center is approximately 1 hour long.   All aboard !  A conversation starts between passengers and
it makes the trip very interesting.  I enjoy the cute little tykes,  some even in infant seats,  some with their dollies.   :)  Others,  on their way TO Ojai,  are taking their bicycles to ride along the gorgeous pathways in our "fair" city.

This bike rider was "gearing" up for a musical concert at Libbey Bowl.

Which reminds me ,  today in our beautiful Greek theatre is a
sing-a-long with the score from "Grease".  Folks gather on weekends
shop and sight see in the Arcade

Young & old alike are gathering and enjoying the ice cream store to the left

Take a walk on the Ojai side,  friends,  we welcome you to our town,  for eating shopping and taking in the sites,  and enjoying musical concerts as well

Bye for now,  from Ojai's "new" self- appointed Ambassador  of "good-will"

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................:)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A HORSE , Of COURSE Relief Fund (Managing transportation for Mary Carlson) to donate

Introducing Christi & friend

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)   _ author/publisher

I will be dedicating this blog/post to horses  & more  ......... around these parts,  you see them coming and going.    Each morning,  I make a point to stop by the stables down at the corner on Meyer Rd.    I walk by several of my favorites,  although,  now they all have become special to me.   ( Along with horses,  there are also pigs,  turkeys,  goats,  donkeys this donkey here

Yesterday  I noticed this new comer to our stables,  ta da ,  smile,  you're on "Candid Camera" ( guess he can't smile cause that head gear prevents you from seeing him/it.  ( Keeps the flies out of their eyes) 

 Next you see me with some I like to say "good morning"  to,  check in on them,  kind of see how they are.   Always though when I go,  they are very much interested in eating their "HAY".  Crunch,  crunch,  crunch.   No monkey business,   no sir-ie,  eating time is for eating  and that's that !!  

See what I mean,  wish you could hear them,  just imagine it .........( Darth and Luke)

Today,  ( this picture )  I am greeting Darth ( Vadar),  all done with the eating thing 

then here ........  Darth's "stable mate" is .......

Luke Skywalker and me ........:) 

We have all become one big happy family.   Some horses come and go,  but usually  the longevity
remains.   For instance  Vicki and her "sweetheart",  Red. 

I like "love stories",  this is "A Love Story",  I call,  "The Dynamic Duo" 

featuring Vicki and her Red.   A "happy couple"  for 10 years and counting.  This story,  coming up will warm your heart.   Now,  on with my day,   folks,  the stable first  and then ,  yep,   up-the-hill  for a healthy invigorating walk,  meeting other  healthy minded people  along the way.
hearing nature's sounds "waking up" ........... a new day begins ........................

Can you hear a "LARK",  in any other  part of town,  does enchantment pour out of every door,  no it's just on the street where you live " .......(  I simply get carried away,  with songs)   "Good day" 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .........................................................................................:)

Monday, September 21, 2015

ANY WHICH WAY ? Relief Fund ( Managing Transportation) Mary Carlson

Not too shabby,  huh ?

by:Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Sweet or sour ?    Hard or soft ?   Build or tear down ?   Laugh or cry ?    To be or not to be ?
Up or down ?    Stupid or smart ?     Love or hate ?     Over or under ?    Tender or harsh?   Increase or decrease ?    Serious or funny?     Righteous or self-righteous ?    Sad or happy?  
Stuck or unstuck ?    Tense or relaxed ?     Rest or unrest ?    Or nothing-at-all ? 

This list could probably go on and on and on and on..........................................:)  Or not !

Yeah,  just making a point.  One have just learned recently.  And really only recently learning to incorporate.  It "might / might not" be one you already know and practice.   If you do,  I say to you, "bravo".   Takes the edge off quite readily,  doesn't it?   I've been watching "funny" videos lately,  and enjoying them.   It reminds me of the "good old days" with programs like "Laugh-In",  "Candid Camera ",  "The Jeffersons",  " The Honeymooners",   and so many more.

So,  this  "gal"  is enjoying  "mixing-it-up".   

Yesterday I spent almost an entire day  ( inside while weather was 104 degrees outside),  watching both romantic,  and "way serious" movies  ( i.e,  "Gone Baby Gone" ) .   Enjoyed it.  So,  my "RX" for this particular  " Kat" is  _hey,   whatever works !   

Smile or frown,   lose or find,    tidy or messy,   broke or rich,   lonely or ?,   dumb or smart,
retreat or approach,  inside or outside,   full or empty,   crazy or sane,  ( an oxymoron anyway),
open or shut,   exceed or come up short, .........................

Anyway,  you get the idea,  right ?

A little chuckle at "nature" .............:) an "Emu" ( not an ostrich)
I know,  he's really quite adorable !  Sometimes when I pass by,  ( regularly),  he's so still it looks like he's a statue.

Here is Mr.  "LINCOLN"  as in "Lincoln log"

A "chill pill" is what is recommended by  Dr. Kat Carlson this September morning,  and of course,   it's up to you,   to have whatever kind of day you want !!   Or not !

"Over & out "

( _ A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................................:)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

PREGNANT PAUSE Relief Fund ( Managing Transportation) Mary Carlson

Folks,  for several months,  I have started a campaign for  my very own "Golf Cart" 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

The seasons change sometimes severely.  So in looking forward to winter here in these parts,
I decided to start a Campaign for getting a golf cart to help with shopping and various appointments during these difficult days.  www. (above) link under the heading of Relief Fund (Managing Transportation) Donation (Mary Carlson).  Give Forward is a "Crowdfunding"  type of an organization which facilitates various types of paying forward to
those who want/need funds in situations that require assistance.  My brother Ron,  gave me this
information and I said, why not ?  Go for it !

So,  just for "FUN",  mind you,  I created this off-the-wall idea (above),  and came up with a
gimmick .........and the "father-to-be"  IS .........................

All I did was take "HIS" picture and ...don't you know,  now,  I'm pregnant with the promise of a

Golf Cart from the family with the same name..............................................:)

You can donate too _

Much obliged, .........    

Remember that's  ...Relief Fund  ( Managing Transportation) Mary Carlson (donations)  "Keep this lady safe in the winter ?"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)_)..................................................................:)

Friday, September 18, 2015


Ah,  autumn,  "the falling leaves".....sigh ! 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Remember this  ? ...............

When, oh when,  will it end ?

Being in top shape is a prerequisite for living in these parts.  I gotta say,  it is part of the charm
of country living.  Nature spills lots of "attitude" ,  and when you want,  there's so "much" to do.
Moments ago,  while I was outside sitting first,  them raking some,  I could certainly feel "fall"in
the air,  coming up the "festivities",  like "Halloween" & "Thanksgiving".  I am not a celebrator
of all the "holidays",  but  still  the season feels "warm" and "festive".

One more picture of yours truly  "ta da",  working..........................:)

Didn't know it took this much concentration ......... 

before these activities,  I walked to the nearest watering center and filled a 5 gallon jar of water.
I walked up 1 1/2 miles to the center, and then walked halfway back.  A very special friend picked me up and brought me home. 

I took this picture when I was halfway up my infamous hill on Rice Rd., 

Turned around and took a shot behind me.  I had walked already this far up the hill. 

As you can see by these pictures I get a "great" work out. ..........

I haven't always stayed in shape.  This cardio workout came recently,  about two years ago.  I just keep on doing it !!!   How else would I get such wonderful pictures of so many awesome people around town ?
Vicki & Harry

Yours truly 

We all somehow "get-into-the act",  and pose for this "humble little blog"....."One Step Closer" 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................:) 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's a "beautiful" morning

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

With a Song in My Heart............I behold your adorable face,   that's right,  another song !  I never tire of the oldies but goodies.  This really is a lovely song,  I believe !

It IS a beautiful morning.  We here in California have experienced a little rain.  Enough to slightly water the vegetation around these parts.  Hopefully the ground will become prepared enough to withstand more.   But the smell of rain really is a treat. Then of course the air is fresher and sweeter.  Still we are hoping for much more rain.  That of course is our wish.  Our lakes are down more than they have ever been.  WATER,  our most VITAL of ALL commodities.
May you & I see & experience the replenishing of our wells & waterways!!  Let the RAINS begin,
let them "carry on" and nourish these parts.

A little sideline now,   gladly I had a chance to walk yesterday.  I happened upon these two lovelies  
Taking a "little" walk early in the morning,

AGAIN .......this shot
Enough of that,  time to go back in ...........................:)  
So o o o o o o o o o  CUTE,

Notice the wet pavement.  Actually,  I took my umbrella  !  I have been taking it with me and using it for "three" mornings now.

The first morning,  I went to our do-nut shop.  The "fellas",  (it's always fellas, how come? )
yeah,  there were lots of "guys" stopping by for a "cup of coffee" on their way to work.  I put my hand in my pocket to grab my camera, ooooooops,  no "camera",  darn it,  I  forgot to bring it.
So, ..... finishing my coffee and cake do nut with chocolate frosting,   .... the rain had stopped,  and  I decided to head back toward my "Casa de Kat"  ( 1 1/2 miles) down this hill

Once again,  down,  down  this path to "hibernate" ( notice the stables on the left) house

is lots further continuing about another 1/2 mile ahead.    I am " situated " in about the middle of this picture among-st the trees.

I made it back folks,  ready for a new day, 

How about you ?  ............... 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................:)