Monday, July 20, 2015

Is this "really" Southern California ?   It just keeps on "RAINING " with temperatures of 99 degrees. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My topic " Day by Day",  has to do with each & everyday,  I wake up,   yawn,   stretch,  make a trip to the "little girls room"  open (or close) windows,   step outside and touch "nature" with a greeting,  pour a cup of java,  sit down at my laptop and see "what unfolds".  My entire Life consists of  "what mystery will unfold" today ?  There are NO fixed plans.   Simply none.

It didn't use to be that way.   But it is my constant "delight" to get to experience  new and fun things  that could probably only thrill me,  and definitely does alright.  The very best thing I experience along with new adventures is the  "PEACE"  that accompanies/carries me.   A better companion,  could not "EVER" be found.    Among other things,  I have "strength" , performing tasks  that make me scratch my head and say to myself,    "I don't believe I just did that !"  Designing and creating just sometimes blows my mind.   I say to myself,  "how did I do that or know that ?"  _  Answer : " I don't know",  EVERY TIME !!!!

Often simply ,  there are "shortcuts",  lots of them,   just a  "smarter,   simpler,  less expensive  way",   to perform something that use to be harder /more expensive !    That too I relish and "naturally" look forward to.   I get to say to myself,   " I  LIKE  ME" !!!    Yeah,  I really do that !    If that is a "normal" daily experience for you,   then I am just a late bloomer,  but hey,  who cares,  better late than never!!

My "DAY" is just beginning,  "I  LOOK  FORWARD  TO  IT" .....................

The avocados are "growing" and they are " SO " good.   Looks like I will be doing "more" weeding soon !

 In a "large" nursery type pot,  ( needs to be transplanted),  is a "FIG" tree.  The oranges
 are sweet and juicy.  Now,  for my breakfast,  think I'll have  an "orange,  oatmeal, with blueberries,  honey and plain yogurt ".   Oh yes,  sometimes for a snack later,   I have sourdough bread made with rosemary and olive oil,  topped with melted sharp cheddar cheese!   Sound good ?

I'm ready for "life" to unfold 

Thanks you for visiting me today................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................................................................................................. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


CHECK OUT ............  APOD ( Astronomy Picture of the Day )
_ today,  July 20, 2015   WOW !!

* It's a "great Big,  wonderful world"  we live     
  ( oh yes,  oh yes,  another "beautiful" song )

"Be wise,  be smart,  behave my heart"  

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).....................................................................................:)

WORKING makes for a "happy" SOUL

My front yard on one of my off days ,  (off from hard labor),   ya gotta admit, this us where "all Life" can flourish

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Now, I can actually add "laborer" because I have been digging holes for brick laying ,  and of course I am lifting and laying them.  I didn't know it was so "strategic".  The soil underneath has to be "just right", dimension wise,  deep enough, wide enough,  and then keeping it in that state until the brick ( 9" x 9") fits exactly.    I am telling you,  it "feels" good to have to stay with it,  sweat pouring down your face & all.    Many times ,   after it was positioned and laid,   dirt back over it all,  I started over again.    Hey,  < satisfaction, >   is a "holy" thing.    Honestly,  it "truly is" !

Trees are plentiful and naturally,  they all have _  leaves,  leaves,  leaves,  that _  fall,  fall,  fall!    I have two wheelbarrows that fill up quickly.    I was born on a farm,   ( in Kentucky),    but was 5yrs. old when we moved to Indiana.    So I was raised a city "girl".   Each summer,   however,  my Aunt & Uncle asked me to come live with them.    That was so special.   And guess what, they had no children of their own.   I fed chickens, played with & fed the pigs,  ( slopped the hogs),  spent time in the smokehouse where the hams stayed.   We had a cistern for pumping water.

What I am saying,  is,  living the way folks live in this community,   uplifts and makes life richer by far.   That definitely makes me feel better,  body and soul.   Just didn't know I could do all these things and I am thrilled to be able to.   Seems as though I also have all the right tools,  blunt-cut-shovel,  pointed shove,  axe and pick,  tree-trimmers,  yeah,  they are all in my possession.     I forgot to mention, pulling weeds.     Yep,  I do that too.    You probably can guess that I sleep "very, very" well at night.

Sometimes, though I do get up,  and sometimes I look outside at the "gorgeous" stars.  Well, it IS "KISMET"  ,  folks.    No need for drinking,  drugs,  (prescription or otherwise).    Someday I might buy a TV,   __  "might" !  .......................:) 

I know you are "just hankering" for a place in the country,   aren't you ?    Well ,  "happy days" are here again !!   Look again at the picture of my "front yard".  pretty, isn't it ?

I "love" this place ..........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:) 

From where I sit,  looks like a "very" good morning, 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It's 5:00 a.m,  moments ago,  I stepped outside and sat in this very same spot.  See this bench I'm on,  I took it apart yesterday.  And would you believe with bricks on the ground and everything
dissembled,  "RAIN" started pouring.  It just poured "buckets", at first I said to myself, oh stay,  get wet, it'll be fun.  THAT did not last long,  I stayed a "few" seconds and skedaddled.  Off and on throughout the day yesterday,  it just "POURED "  RAIN.  As I came in this morning from this bench, my feet were actually WET. 

For us here in Southern California,  "RAIN" is a "real blessing".  And along with that,  the "AIR " smelled awesome.  That crisp smell,  making the earth express it's "thanks" and I could
just sense that !!   When LIFE has a chance to verbalize,  things just "stand out",  and become

Hey,  it's "SUNDAY" ...( my brother Ron's birthday _who lives in Spokane, WA. "Happy Birthday" Ron ).  When you are in church this day,  ( for those who go),  ( church for me is this delightful country setting today ),  ... look over at your neighbor ( right & left),  "SMILE"  ?    "CELEBRATE"   "LIFE",   and breathe "deep".  Ah-h-h-h, !!  I can give- "thanks", can't I ??

Outside .... my front yard
"Friendly neighbors " ................:) 

More "friendly" neighbors

Another beautiful "VIEW"

It's all good ..................

Have a "HAPPY" !!  

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:),,  ( 10/14 - 1/15 ), ( I Support Life & Living Words) (One Step Closer)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Welcome friends,  it's Saturday ......  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I have a "song" for you this morning,  how many of you remember this one ......








OF  MY HEART " ............................

I love the music in me ,  "SEPTEMBER MORNING", as sung by Mr. Johnny Mathis,  &  well,  there is always,  "HEAVENLY, HEAVENLY", also Johnny Mathis,  "STRIKE UP THE BAND", " "ARE YOU SINCERE, when you say, you love me"   I'm pretty sure that was sung by _ Theresa Brewer,   Oldies, but Goodies ......Take it away,  "Music & Life" .........Let your day be filled with song .......... 

Have a wonderful weekend ........

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .................................................:) 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

                           "LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON"

This is a picture of my "awesome" friends,  "Vicki" & "Red"

by: Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

Interesting that folks "who" really matter,  are often "found" hiding out at peculiar or let's say,
places you least expected.  Curiosity took me over to the stables,  one day,  & of course I had my 
camera in tow.  That day weeks ago,  this "fabulous" really cute"  woman,  saw that I was interested in the horses in these stables,   and pointed me in the direction of this fella.....

The name I gave him is  "R2D2",  but his other name is "Boomer"

                 In keeping with these TWO guys,  below,........R2D2 was given "top billing"

You remember,  Darth Vadar & Luke Skywalker,  that's what I call them .....

Every day, I have the privilege of coming to the stables close by and get to "greet" "good friends",
these well -behaved,  loving horses.  The animal kingdom definitely contributes something unique for the lives of  HUMANS.    It is more than one can  imagine,   &   it behooves us to get better acquainted.   My LIFE is "richer"  (by far)  than it has ever been.    Today,   Luke & Darth came right up to me and poked their noses thru the fence and wanted a "nudge"  or maybe I'll call it a "nuzzle".   It's  "Honest"  & "Open".  They do not stand on ceremony.    They  JUST ARE,   it's "BEAUTIFUL" !!!

Oh,  I couldn't resist this guy,  I was walking home from Meiner's Oaks, and there HE WAS, ....
 I love it !

             This blog/post today July 15,  2015 was simply an "afternoon delight" ....... for me !

Tell your animal friends you appreciate them,  I know I do _ such "good" hearts especially when they are not being mistreated !!    Our togetherness at "blog time" is always a "treat" for me !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................................:)


Tuesday, July 14, 2015


P.  S.  _  end of this blog ( 8/ 15/ 15)   "HOVERCRAFTS"
These humans "travel" by horse,  ( of course, this is just for fun)

This "young" lady travels by "TRAIN"

by:  Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

But,  tonight,  after a birthday phone call from my youngest son, I was awake and so I began a litany of thoughts.  Deep, deep thoughts for myself and my life's vocation ( don't laugh, so I am 75 yrs. old, so what ? )...............:)  On I go with this vein of thought,  I went places in my head,  even I don't believe.  Yep,  it had to do with "MALE,"  "FEMALE" gender specifics and it's relationship to the "LOVE" power,   you know, "unconditional LOVE".   Is it male or female,  ( simply because of the "romantic thing"'s all over the air waves, & LIFE itself alludes to it. )  and what does that have to do with how we (Male) or we (Female) see our own Life's situation.  You know, things like shelter,  food,  clothing ,  in short,  FINANCES !!!!!!  THAT'S a BIG ONE !   HUGE !!   Sorry,  I get carried away sometimes.   But when you & I address this monumental problem,   today's world needs answers.    So, that's what I did for about 2 hours.  I thought,  asked questions,  & went really "deep into the spiritual/mental realm".  

If you have faith ( FAITH IS A SUBSTANCE).......oh, that says it all right there,  yep,  it sure does.
Substances aren't a gender in the first place.  They are non-gender.  BUT,  we think that FAITH comes from GOD, ,  ( but then that "Biggie" you get to figure out for yourself too , ),   and that is where "some of us" get confused.  Is there a slant on GOD'S view
as to whether or not,  Men and Women get equal billing or opportunities.    No doubt this is a subject that has been hashed over again & again,  and will continue !!  I "DO" have more to say on this at a later date.

I "DUG" really deep so  I could get a handle on this subject for me.  It's personal,  you understand ?  It doesn't matter what age you are,  it has to be answered for each individual.
So,  I conclude with this,  after 2 hours of deliberation,  I said to myself,  I have been out here in space with these "thoughts',  so many of them, don't know, if I can find my center.  Of course, I looked right below in my HEART,  and sitting right there with me,  was "PEACE" & "LOVE" &
"REST".  I smiled and said to myself,  "PEACE  &  REST"  were  my  "hovercrafts !!

It's "super "  for an individual to have his or her own  "HOVERCRAFT" ...didn't quite see it that way until tonight !!

HOVERCRAFTS : _ "PEACE"  &  "REST"  &  "LOVE"........ they give us an "edge" over our complicated,   busy  ... "MINDS" !

< P. S.  No doubt "everyone" has discovered by now,   our  "HEARTS" ,  our "SPIRITS" are

what  determines "FREEDOM" ............. I know that my mind gets in-the-way of   "TRUE 

FREEDOM".     It is fantastic to allow myself this "avenue" of  " FAITH "  > 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)