Monday, June 1, 2015


I kind of have that,  "at home"  look/feeling,  in this picture,  that is exactly what I am aiming for today.

by" Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It was exactly 30 years ago that I began searching for answers to what had been a lifetime of depression !   Although it took a multitude of life's experiences to find out how much I was "hurting".  College right out of high school,  quitting college early,  moving back home ( with mom & dad),   getting a pretty good job, ( Savings& Loan ),   marrying a childhood sweetheart,  having three  "beautiful"  babies,  ( all sons),  &  then,  "boom",   the bottom just fell out from under me.  I sought "help", ...doctors,   medication,   institutions,   more churches & religion  ( I grew up & was "active" in a denominational church),  but my "struggles"  INCREASED !   I managed to keep the household afloat (most of the time),  but in the end,   I realized,  it was up-to-me,  and needed to find my own "help" within ! 

Deciding to meditate, on positive imagery,  (thinking my mind was similar to a computer, if enough good stuff went in deep enough,  at the core,  things might change a little ).  So, the very first word I  concentrated on was " ABSOLUTION ",   don't ask me why,  it just was.   Along with many words that were positive in nature,  this paticular word ... (absolution)   brought about a picture of what I am pretty sure ( at the time) thought,   was GOD  or "ME completed" !   Anyway,  I saw and immediately looked away at that "image,"  rejecting was ,  LOVE,   pure LOVE !   My exact words/response was  " I don't want YOU,  I want to be "HEALED".  I may have been depressed but I was feisty, none the less.   I was shown that I could have this  "POWER " ,  well,  I responded like this,  "IF"___that happens,  I want to be "shored up completely"  with this thing called  "LOVE"so I leave this up-to-you,  because I don't trust me with it,  this "POWER you speak of"  !!!! 

So other words and concepts developed,  one being the "Immaculate Conception" and many,  many others as well.  30 years ago,  whew!,  I started this journey,  but alas,  now I "KNOW", "LOVE"
"intimately,"  and my LIFE has completely changed.   The beauty of changing in this way is,  with every step,   every discovery of "tenable" situations, "hurt",  "unearthed" , came the wonderful UNCONDITIONAL LOVE,  to  "shore me up",   as I had asked  for in the beginning !  Somehow/someway  I knew,  nothing else would do.  It was the ONLY way to_ really , truly  HEAL
COMPLETELY.   That,  to me, would leave "nothing to come back and "haunt me"   and end up"
with more "troubles" &/or "sicknesses" !   I saw this happening,   everywhere,  and belie"ved it would also happen to me if it wasn't done "right" !   I'm a bottom-line "girl" !   Fine print and all that !   Seal the deal,  by the way,  "what IS the Deal, anyway ?  ( That kind of thing!)   I believe in the "luxury" of asking _"WHOEVER it is " !!!!!!!!!

Now,  I "happily", CLOSE _  my post/blog  "this morning "  ........."ALL SHORED UP"...........:)

And it IS always a pleasure to share with you __

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................:),, (WORD PRESS archives _ August 2014-January 2015, ( I support Life & Living Words) Google+ 

Sunday, May 31, 2015


I Come to the Hills,.........

with the "Sound of Music"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Days ago,  I was engaged in my usual morning walk up Rice Rd.,  this particular morning,  as I walked,  the "trees" were so alive,  it made me think of Maria in "The Sound of Music",   Special times here in Ojai Valley,  and oh yes, "all over everywhere",   Life's own gift  of the "awareness of GOD " , fills your soul.   These times,  you can literally "reach-out-and-touch "  the "Spirit of Life"
I will call......" His Essence ",  the teaming vibrations of "wonder" & "splendor" !!

Oh I get so "spoiled",   at times when I am "blessed" with the "Presence of God" !  In my old days,
which I can barely remember,  I didn't KNOW this event happened "everyday" !  I DID experience
such "splendor" in Glendale as well.  I think though,  when I moved back to this "glorious" place,
and my usual morning walks, "the aura of  God"  is more "eminent"  & "powerful" !

When this "territory" was founded long ago by the Indians,  they called this place,  Ojai ,  meaning "Nest in the Mountains",   ( correct me if I'm wrong ) .  Later.  people began to hear about these "magic powers "of  "HEALING" and started moving here by the "droves".  They still do.  

The very day I came her to look at property in 1977,  I experienced "PEACE", so "tangible,  I felt as though I really could "cut-it-with-a- knife" !  There were times when I left here,  Ojai,  and sought "healing" elsewhere,  but here I am, "praising God" for the "work He has done" !   Not just here, because after all ,  GOD is "spirit" and "LIFE IS", it's not a matter of "geography".   Oh my yes,
GOD is "everywhere",   "HE"  is universal !  

It's SUNDAY,  isn't it,  well then,  "there you have it",  a day to honor ( better do it everyday, stay in touch ),  the "works His hands have made" ! ! 

Always a pleasure................
"LIVE".... &  "LET LIVE".....from  Ojai, CA

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:),,  ( Word Press- archives 2014-2015),,,  Google+

Saturday, May 30, 2015

" IT'S PARTY TIME "........:)


ISN'T IT ?.......oh my,  "I"  thought that it was !! ( Party time! )

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson: * author/publisher_ since August 2014- May 2015
( Some of my work (writing) began as early as 2010, but my really serious published work started in August 2014 )  Welcome aboard !

I began and entitled this POST/BLOG the way I did,  because I am (again),  enamored with the "LOVE"  & "POWER"  &  "forthrightness"  of my "clever"  CREATOR !   So,  that- being- the- case for me,   this moment is indeed a party  for myself !     I get to put words on paper that make me "happy", "thrilled" and "young".....ha ha !! ....( _ at Heart!_ )    ALTHOUGH,  "truth-be-told,"  I have never  "felt "  younger in my  entire "LIFE"!    I definitely have more energy,   more creativity,   more ingenuity,   more  power  over _ "every-little-thing"  _  I do !!!!

AND,    a little secret,  folks,  "IS",  this coming July 2015,  I am turning 75 years old !!   Oh,  HAPPY DAY !!!!..............................:)   Yep,_ honest  "INJUN"..,   "all "  of the above is "TRUE"!
It's a  "GREAT"  year   for me !!

Moving to this wonderful little "BURG", has simply,  "sealed-the-deal",  &  "awakened my soul" with  more  "BEAUTY" &  "VITALITY"  !   I get to share that beauty with you on a "daily" basis.  So, "it's "Party Time",  here in Ojai,  California !  Every morning ! 

When I got up at at 3:30 "ish",  I ached all over!  I did,  yes, I did.  Somehow, though with a little music ( that was definitely ordained,  "tears of JOY" ),   a weak cup of  "java",  and   "paying-a- few -bills", &  this,  I did,  in order to help- things- along,   I used my "hair dryer" to help "soften"  some muscles.   ALL of these antics brought about my Party mood !  But, you & I know , "my great new surroundings" & "relationship"  are the " REAL  DEAL" !!!

Keep tuning in,  I'll share the things that I find, that make  "LIFE" a  "WONDER" & "FEAST"  for "yours truly" !!  ALWAYS a pleasure........

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................:)

Back from my WALK, entrance ( see gate) to my "Caz-bah" !!!!  Just another beautiful morning in Ojai !  

*,,, ( _archives 2014-2015,,,  Google+

Friday, May 29, 2015


Ojai Valley,  an unusual "Metropolis",  well,  one can hardly call "us" a "Metropolis", 
there really is "excitement" in the versatile,  creative,  souls who have chosen to make this their "home" !

The topic today is " Adventure" .....................................

by: Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Adventure ?  hmmmmmmm _ "adventuresome",    I guess that  "IS"  the "new me"  now!   Moments ago,  I pondered this recent observance,   spoken by a special person in my "Life",  my wonder-full brother !  Well,  one of my "four" wonderful  brothers.......:) '

Thinking on this word,   "adventuresome",   I became so "aware",  that ONLY when you have created
"stillness & "quietness" of "SPIRIT" inside your own "HEART", know,  that  "PEACE" inside,  can "adventure" "happen" !   Also,  "satisfaction" needs to be resident inside,  freedom-to-BE  gives me "LIFE" that can be "truly experienced" !! 

True "Life" begins in our "hearts",  huh ?  Yes, "there" in our "hearts",... is the apex of all of "our" experiences !    When all of my knowledge is bridged (coupled) with what's in my  "HEART'S",
condition,  I  "GO"  out/ or "IN"  and can then  "LIVE"   life to it's fullest !!   "REACH for the STARS" !!!  Beginning,   of course,   with your own   "HEART" !!   Trust  "LOVE" to create this awesome experience !

It's your "birthright",  ....yes ?

Maybe there is a "dream" inside you !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

HELP "ME" I I *,

 Friday,  June 19, 2015 __ More & more I have come to realize,  discover,  Life with all it's diversities,  certain things we have in common is our need for health & compassion.  Searching for "truth" ,  I am finding,  both needs  are at the "top of the list".   In recent days,  I looked for compassion from GOD in a particular long standing matter,  so my answer came,  that I " have the capacity",  inside me to supply that which is needed,  FOR & TO  myself.   I put this to the test,  ... well,  what do you know,  I really do and can minister to my needs in this way at this time in my "LIFE".   When things bug me enough,  I get "candid/forthright" and have no qualms about calling a spade a spade.   The fact remains,   this POST is intended to "help",  in recognizing that by asking for something (we no doubt overlooked)  and can "clear up" this matter ourselves,  once & for all. __ " SOUND GOOD" ?

You have a "GLORIOUS" day,   friends.......  LIFE "IS" GOOD....  ( Remember the "music-in-you")
Author/publisher:  Kat Carlson _ June 19, 2015

Hail to all,  this morning & every morning, I'm out here ( camera in tow), walking again (still)
 Lots of time to "build/create" some good memories/experiences, 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Since I wrote last night ( May 27, 2015)" and"  published, ( at 10:30 p.m. ) ,  I have done "soul searching"  again.  I touched upon this subject in other articles some of them on Word Press - Archives 2014-2015,,  My title for this post is :  HELP "ME" !!

The reason is ,  I am certain there are members of this "great race" of ours who believe our CREATOR,  I mean really do believe,  no doubt,  that is clear.  But I have been constantly wondering why do "they/I do" without some things and the first and foremost "thing" I bring attention to is "our health".  It has been a "gift" of GOD that "healing" is OURS.  But,  what happens when that does not come to pass ?  Even after years of waiting ?  "This I believe",   folks,  it really is up-to-us at a point in our development to search our "hearts" for the "truth" as to why?  Our creator is a "giver" and will not deny us "anything"....not "anything" !!!   After all ...."IT IS FINISHED"  came to us after  our-relationship-with-GOD " was "sealed".  .

A phrase that I have learned to use in getting-to-the-bottom of why,  is....(when of course I have prayed and done everything, " ( oh, & I mean "everything" ),  I come to "this" particular phrase,
Help me, me!    I "believe" after all,   so I can help the child in me, or whatever part of me is
"searching and cannot find",  the supply I need for myself!    It does work  everyone !   It does!
Certainly , " stinginess" is NOT an attribute of our "GOD OF LOVE"  and holding "anything" back isn't an attribute either.   Therefore, I am in charge of getting my needs met,  "knowing" they "have been" met once and for all!    Huh,   yep, indeed,  they HAVE !!!     I only "need" to look and find the definitive for my needs,  that's it !

"Looking beyond "and "searching"  for "truth"  .."INSIDE"  us,  is our privilege !   "Help me, me" !!    I have a "more than willing" CREATOR !!   I have "free will" and as "our "PARTNER" in "LIFE or FOREVER."...same thing", ( A DONE DEAL ),    I am the one who asks and finds !  "HOW SPECIAL" !!!!

One "special" morning, I  FOUND  this "little filly" & so much more everyday, now!

Top-of-the-hill, "MORNING CLIMB", on Rice Rd.....:)
Travelers by,... almost daily,  fun, fun , fun !!!

Have a "wonderful" action- packed,  day,  "EVERYONE" !

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................:),,,..(WordPress_Archives 2014-2015),,  ( I Support Life & Living Words) Google+

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I believe in "treating" yourself with TLC.......

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Last night,  I was up scratching "itchiness",  boy,  I was baffled.  However,  ultimately,  I turned on Ernesto Cortazar  on the piano, and lent an "EAR" to both his music & my trusty wind up clock's ticking.  Before long,  I was snoozing.  Ahhhhh,  relief.  Yes, our bodies DO respond to positive attention, or rather positive input !  Living things just "know" what is right for them.  Now, the sad fact is, that we "take our bodies" for granted and push them without even letting them know they are aappreciated.  Can you see this?  Oh, it is so unfortunate !

This evening, again, some itchiness is still troubling me.  I (think), because I have been outside for a few days, raking oak tree leaves and trimming Pepper trees.   Oh, yes,   there's the "Yellow Rose of Texas... rose bush.   I cut that back too.  So I'm thinkin',  just "maybe" I am allergic to one or all of these things.   Naturally,  I am not too "happy", if that turns out to be the case,  I mean,  come on now, I am in "Paradise",   right?  But I have been curtailing my activity outside around these plants.

Having taking it kind of "easy" all day today,  except for a decent walk down Rice Rd. ( the other direction, which dead ends), hanging more drapes,  doing more laundry,  I snoozed twice today.  One time this morning for four hours,  then again this evening for two hours.  I took a luxurious shower, primped with "applying clear nail polish", paid "special" attention to my body by "stroking it and "loving it", saying so.  You may remember in a recent post I shared this "revelation" as I was sharing my "LOVE" toward my ever- faithful body,  I "heard" this illuminating phrase,  " Precious Cargo".  Yes, it was an enlightened "moment" and as I gathered myself back into the present,  I cried "tears of joy",  and of course "the Truth" about "who I am,  and who you are,....."PRECIOUS CARGO........we "can and should"   take take care of this "earthly body" as one "needs- to- in- all" "HONESTY". 

Consider the alternative....."hospitals ,   Dr's offices,  and Assisted Living Facilities are "FULL", and will "absolutely need" to make room for us,  especially when we neglect the investment God has made in giving us this "house" to live in. "  I'm just sayin",  _ & it is NOT too late !......:)

From one "Precious Cargo" to another........................

"Always a pleasure, folks" _ "try uttering sweet nothings".... I mean "try" ?

( _ A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................:),,  ( Word, ( I Support Life & Living Words)


Getting a chance to go back to another one of my venues,  I SUPPORT LIFE,
when you find this post,   scroll down the archives (April 18) to  "TICK TOCK".   I decided to do this this morning because that  clock sound in my sweet grandmother's bedroom gave me solace last night while I gave way to itching like  .."CRAZY"... it just would not stop,  so with lovely piano music by Ernesto Cortazar AND the sound of this ticking clock,  I slept !!!

There's a "GREAT "line up of other posts in this venue,  I hope you will take time to read one or two!   Another one of my blogs there , is entitled "LIVING WORDS" .    Take a peek,  this is about Ojai CA.  as well!    Yep, writing is what I do,  I got a million of them, folks....:)     Check me out at Word Press too !    Archives:  (August 2014-January 2015)You folks in such countries as United Kingdom,  Ireland,  Greece,  Alaska,  Ukraine,  welcome aboard.  Stay with is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

So, "TICK TOCK", this morning & more,  if you choose to browse there on "I SUPPORT LIFE",

This shot is "nightfall" outside my living room"interesting" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................:)