Thursday, August 13, 2015

HOMES......mine's the BEST


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

I want to go on record as saying ....." hallelujah" ,  is there ANY place lovelier than MY gorgeous  "home" ?   I say,  definitely and definitively  "NOT" .  When I looked and looked and looked for any place for me 26 years ago,  I threw my hands up in despair and exclaimed, " There's GOT to be a place for me,  that I can afford.   A vision appeared and it WAS this exact same place,  wood paneling and all !   I called the next number on the list,  it was  dear, dear Woody Traudt  , on the phone,  who said to me,  come look.  "Someone is living here but may not be after a few weeks."   I did come and I did look !   It was what I wanted.

As it was not ready and was occupied,   I had an offer from one of my clients to stay with her until such time that my place would be ready.   The time did come in just a few weeks.   I glady moved in. Woody explained to me,   I just want someone who will be here for a long time.   Hey, guess what,   it's been  26 years.   For a few of those years,   I gratefully thank my son,  David,  for holding up and enjoying this place for himself for about 13 of those years.   THANK YOU,  SON !!!

I AM here,  indeed and it  IS  beautiful as I always knew it was.   Each morning,  I go outside either for a walk or to work in the yard or "BOTH".    An outdoor LIFE makes you "young" and you know,  "happy".   There is plenty-to-do and boredom seldom rears it's ugly head.  :)
So,  once again,  I applaud my "Heavenly Father" for giving me a "special place in which to live and express my "awesome LIFE" and everything it has to offer. "

If /when I complain it's because I get "stupid",   but frequently learn to be eternally "GRATEFUL",   for what is,  ecstatic "BEAUTY" and get this,  affordability !   IT IS SO COOL !!

Always a way to stay busy and wanted.....

How precious is this ? 

I can't say enough about the unusual surrounding I am "blessed" with.  With that in mind,
I say to you,  a "life" of " satisfaction" and  "completion"  is served up  in these neck-of-the-woods.    HOWEVER,   let it be said,  that it is  "not"   accomplished without "CHALLENGE".  This LIFE throws curve balls !!

"INDEED" ........................

Thanks folks,  ... a pleasure for sure !!!    

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................................:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Just need to focus on this "precious" picture right now,  so indulge me,  sooooo happy 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

The "truth".   I am NOT happy right now.  Probably isn't something you want to read or hear,
Probably isn't something I should be writing.  This morning started out great.  But progressively got worse.  I'll stop there.  Next my intent is to focus on the word  " LOVE ".  I know personally it's great and wonderful "POWER".  I know it as more powerful and stronger than the ROCKIES
and The ROCK OF GIBRALTAR.   That being said,  I'm a little "rocky" myself tonight.

It's time for me to recall the awesomeness and dependability of such a CONNECTIVITY to LIFE itself.  I was taken over and through the thresh hold of either "LIFE" or "DEATH"  by this
"divine"  force.  I was given the keys to the KINGDOM,  "peace", "love,  "rest",  "faith", "happiness".   Tonight I am "struggling" to get-in-touch with all of these forces or even one.

I gotta say,  it's a bit daunting,  and bewildering since practically all I write about is the absolute dependability of what I call " Life's Greatest Gifts ".   Oh yes,  I do call this POWER , _ GOD.
Some physical impairments as well as mental have me puzzled.  So,  I am writing to just simply
get it out there that "I" am still having my "battles",  as I presume others do as well.  

I looked back at the picture (image) of me that I posted at the beginning of this blog.  You know, I don't like it after all.   So,  now for another __

Yeah,    that's it ! 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .......................................................................................:)


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

"THE ROSE"   _  Bette Midler

Some say "LOVE",   _it is a "river",  _that drowns the tender reed,  _ some say "LOVE", 
it is a razor,   that leaves your "SOUL" to bleed,   some say  "LOVE",   it is a " HUNGER",

an endless aching need, _  I say " LOVE ", _ it is a  " FLOWER ",  and you it's only "seed" _ it's the " DREAM",  afraid of  "waking ", _  that never takes the chance,   it's the "ONE"  _   who won't be "taken",   who cannot seem to "give ",  _ it's the " SOUL ",  afraid of  "DYING",

who never "learns" to  "LIVE", _  when the  " Night",   has been too "LONELY", _ and the road has been too "long",  and you think that " LOVE ", __ is only for the  " LUCKY " and the  "STRONG"

JUST -REMEMBER- IN- THE- WINTER,  _  far beneath  the " bitter"  SNOW,  _ lies the " SEED",  _ that with the " SUN'S / SON'S  "LOVE",  _  in the "spring ",  becomes the "ROSE"   

"Ah-h-h-h - some"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................................:) 

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Although it's "hard" to believe,  that IS  "ME",  many years ago ( 50 yrs.)

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Would you look at the " HAIR " ?   I had "Lots" and it was curly too.  The topic of this blog is about "touching".   And yes, it's about touching your own flesh/body.   More of the articles I written on this subject are on  Knowing how much you & I push ourselves,  hence our bodies and the harshness of the world at large on these vessels of ours,  we can only enhance our HEALTH,  by attending to our own individual persona.  Understand,  when we stroke our bodily parts,  we not only help our systems, ( immune & also lots, lots more ).  When you & I realize that it's the only body we have and taking care of it is up-to-us. 

Gently,  recognizing that we are in touch with the nerves,  skin and very close underneath ,are the blood vessels,
  decide this is a very healthy practice all the way around.  Emotionally, we benefit & physically, 
as also reap wonderful results.  After I take a shower,  I rub delightful smelling cream (Blissful Body), and take my time to make myself feel good and yes,   feel "loved" !  "If Not Me, Then Who" ?  Another shot : below

Yeah,  I am 75,  however I feel like a teenager !  

Arms and hands and even feet,  especially your feet, ( the bottom of our feet are where all the nerve endings are located)   what a job they have "All Day",  right ?   But I contend that every single inch of our body deserves the attention we need to give it.  Hands, ( my hands),  really do tell me that they like the attention I'm giving them.  How,.... by "feeling so good ". while I am rubbing them.  

I am just beginning to emphasize this practice.  The way I got started was I "broke" my ankle in 2014.  The healing process was quite pleasant,  in that I found giving my ankle "very special" attention ( based on what I knew as a Massage Therapist)  brought about a wonderfully successful healing.  My Orthopedic Doctor announced to me that I was "the Best -little -bone-healer" !!   She was very,  very "smart".......... :)

Here I am doing my thing,  walkingwalking did I mention walking ????

 Be very good to yourself !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................:)



Don't you just "LOVE" summer ?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

If you take-a-look at the   "tags",   I have contradicted myself on two counts..   Funky day & Feeling Good.   That's because most of the time I DO write about feeling good.   But that's not quite correct.   Yeah,  often I am "doing time" with the struggles of  "my Life" !!   I am going to say though,  I usually  "DON'T "  write anything then   anyway  !!   Ha Ha !!!   So as I arise victorious  & I "SHARE" that,  with you.    And today  I can't go there either,   although last night,  this morning and a few days past,  I just haven't been on-top-of-the-world, and not very pleasant to be around,    of course nobody sees that but me.    So,  who really cares anyway,   huh?


The pictures I took yesterday are "funky too "..................take a look

I think I'll name him  "Lincoln",  as in "lincoln log"

Everyday, for four months,  I walked pass this guy,   and I saw " LINCOLN" ( log) for the first time  yesterday.   It sits back off the road a little,  but  I thought "he" was sort of cute.  Do you remember Lincoln Logs,  anyone?   I played with them as a kid!

The next picture is the same sort of story ......

There are "eyes" her in this picture two pair,

Very same cactus,  different set of "eyes"  made out of "reflectors"

In each of the cases and pictures I found along-the-way yesterday,  I have passed by them hundreds of times,  but for some reason,.    they simply "jumped" out at me.    Can you find the "eyes?   I counted six sets of "eyes"  in this "huge" cactus.   And I found each of these "people" (?)   _ very,  very close-to-home !!   ........................:)


Saturday,  I was out and found a few discoveries again.  "  Luck & I are often in  sync . "  

It's a pleasure to share a little "sompin sompin " with you today,  Sunday,  August 9, 2015

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................................................:),  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press archives 10/14- /1/15)  ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

Saturday, August 8, 2015


It's a "GRAND" day for all you who are off work,  enjoying your Saturday

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

As in all days,  yesterday  I strolled down to the " STABLES",  expecting the usual visit with "Vicki" & her pal "Red".   It just didn't happen on Friday..... (Vicki's afternoon off).  Couldn't waste a good afternoon stroll or my trusty picture taking.  Don,  this man you see here drives around 28 miles (Oxnard, CA)  everyday to see and "care for" his horse named " Cheeky".

Vicki and Don have known each other for several months.

The two of them share the responsibilities.  Oh my folks,  that's a lot !   Horses require attention in order for them to stay well.  "Big lugs"........  affectionately said,    trust me !     I have come to "love" the awesome visits with RED,  DARTH,  LUKE,  FANCY,  BOOMER ,  CHEEKY and more,  many more horses,  down on the corner of Rice Rd. and Meyer Rd.

Deciding to head up-the-hill for my usual 2 mile walk this same day,  I happily encountered this adorable "threesome".  I asked if I could take their pictures.  

These two gals just happened to be  on my path to start my walk,  see picture below  

I want you to meet "CUTIE",  Claire's horse for 12 years.  These "two " devotee's  have to have long-distance phone calls,  or "romance"  

because Claire now attends a University in Massachusetts,   while her own "CUTIE" of twelve years,  has to stay behind here in a nice place in Ojai, CA.   Claire is studying Fine Arts.  The two seemed very "happy" to see each other and be together once again.  Thanks for letting us in on your sweet story,  "CLAIRE "  " CUTIE " !   I'll be more than happy to report more of the story next time you visit.

This very same day ( Friday 8/7/15),  my friend ( I named Darth Vadar) & I kissed,  but Don wasn't quick enough to get THAT shot !!!  

_  No more Friday pictures or short stories,  see ya next time at the corral,  perhaps ?

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................. :)  

"Sleepless in Seattle" .......  "You Must Remember this, a Kiss is still a Kiss , a Smile is still a Smile, the Fundamental Things Apply ,  As Time Goes BY " .......... Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
Great Movie

Friday, August 7, 2015


This "TIP" will make a difference in your "LIFE"    

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'll start by saying this,  you'll not get this advice from your Doctor.....either kind,  Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Psychiatry  ( what's the difference it's all medicine anyway, huh? ).  To continue I am going to recommend this type of experiment in addition to or in place of a "tranquilizer" or "ativan" or other types of mood medicines.  First off,  I am not taking medicines of any kind and have undergone,  hordes of body & emotional changes,  all of which I have used various natural means to assist my growth.  This "ADORABLE"  wind up clock is one of many methods I use.

It dawned on me a few months to a year ago,  that this sound .... tick,  tick,  tick,  tick,  tick was  a similar sound to our own heart beat.  For me,  it was a nostalgic sound.   I used to sleep upstairs with my wonderful "grandmother" when I was a kid.   We slept in an enormous "feather" bed.
In the room was a grandfather clock and it was always ticking.  I remembered that glorious sound and made the decision to purchase a wind up clock.  This is the one,  in the above picture.

I will go-on-record as saying,  you are going to be "surprised" at the soothing and powerful results when you keep it very close to you at night or as I do,  I lay in right on my chest.  Obviously, our bodies respond to stimuli or no one would even take pills in the first place.   
In the case of a clock that sounds like a heart beat,  our own system is reminded of it's own center/ruler,  it's "HEART".  Beyond the physical is also the symbol of "LOVE"  the center of 
"LIFE".   THE  MOST  POWERFUL  FORCE   !!!!    It heals our wounds!

Go out and buy a clock,( like the one in my picture)  it doesn't cost much,  it even may sound a little silly, .......I'm certain in- the- end,   _ it   "will"  "sound"  like "relief".   It "will" alleviate a "fewsleepless nights and probably more than that !    

"OWNER OF A LONELY HEART" .......ever hear that song ?   A clock,  it's metal,  how could it work to provide comfort at times, _  "IT DOES" !!! ..........................................:) 

"LOVE" & "POWER"  is a heart beat  "AWAY "

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................................................................:)