Wednesday, October 21, 2015


It's October,  almost November,   I will retire this photo after this blog.. ( til next year ... :)

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Time marches on, ........  I own a red t-shirt that says  .... "Life is too short"  !  It really is,  isn't it?  

Last night,  after a very successful day,  cleaning windows,  generally cleaning up around my place inside, but mostly outside after the painters came and left.  All in all,  though I felt accomplished in my
To back up a little,  I'll fill you in on a little story.  For a couple of weeks,  I was corresponding with a gentleman who claimed to be from Greece... ( a sub contractor for a Petroleum company).  This "man's"
story was,  my wife died three years ago,  I have no children,  no family (siblings),  my parents are both dead.   I became interested in his plight.  The seeming sincerity was convincing.  Most of all and completely when this "man"  implied an incident that only "I" could have related to.  It was poetic and
mind boggling.   No one,  NO ONE was with me at the time of this beautiful experience of mine.  Any who,  it became a completely honest ( I thought) exchange as days went on.  Both looking forward to the next visit "online".   He was young,  ( 50 ),  and he even sent me a picture of himself. 

I looked forward to chatting.  Sometimes,  since there was a 10 hour time difference,  and I was up & night writing and sometimes,  he was also up too.  Youth tends to exaggerate,  & moves too fast, I started taking control, and setting the pace I was comfortable with.   But, alas,  he let the cat out of the bag,  when he claimed that the country he was working in was low economics,  and he was short on cash to pay his men (workers).  I asked a few questions and asked how he could solve "his" problem .  ( I'm sure you can see the writing on the wall as I continue this tale).   Long story short,  soon,  the question became,  "can you loan me money,  I'll pay you back."  It seemed he had money but the banks there limited the amount he could withdraw.  DUH?  I shut down the conversation immediately.  But not with out my brain ( after about 5 hours),  starting to go "brainiac" on me and I was propelled into darkness and total confusion.   No, I really hadn't invested a whole lot,  ( I thought)  in my own heart and mind.  I sooo like who I am and was confident in that wonderful "reality" all along.   But, ya know,  I did like him.

So uncomfortable I became,  restless is even putting it mildly.  I decided to go outside on my patio around dusk and get quiet.  Hah!  I stayed as log as possible and went back inside my house.
I struggled with calling my handsome brother,  and calling out for " I don't know what".   I did not do that right away.   I grabbed my little Fluffy doggie ( Floppy)  and hugged him.  I called my brother and we talked a bit about vulnerability, etc.  After hanging up,  I started feeling less agitated .  Then I began a conversation with myself, that went like this,  I don't know even if I believe in "A"  GOD,  much less,  believe Him at all.   This "thought" ushered in and went like this,  "If  you did believe God,  what would He be doing right now.  My answer,  He would be,  "believing in me" .    Incredible insight and 
clarity at a time when  I was in total darkness.   Peace came,  I made a cup of vegetable bullion . '"The truth does set me free"   and keeps me free.   I know that I know,  that my Gods' nature is one of pure belief.  ( Faith).   All my doubt vanished.  I slept peacefully.

Today (  realizing that I was violated)  and that sort of thing happened in my Life "throughout my Life"   and therfore this situation went deep into my soul and cut out the "cancer" from  long ago.   I shout out thankfulness to "my lover and my best friend"   for looking out for me  " in all things" !      

It truly is pleasure to "share  with you " ...this time and place!

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .....................................................................................:)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This is it folks round the world,  this is Rice Rd. where I begin my daily walk ......pretty spectacular

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

Time marches on,  change is eminent,  this morning walk on Rice Rd. months ago at this very same time was bright & LIFE everywhere was up-and-at-em.   Now,  it's quiet.   I love the seasons.  I never want to forget who's in charge of this beautiful,  wonderful world we live in.

It's great when you listen and remember that we are not alone.  With great Love and planning,  our world
was designed for wondrous living.   Hush now,  let me tune in.   Ah yes,  it's YOU.  I'm in awe.

Again with the view,  it just couldn't go unnoticed,  so I snapped this picture,  seizing the moment ...

Stopping everything,  so hard to do sometimes,  often times even,  but I'm never sorry.  My, oh my,  I even balk at the thought of doing it.  I don't regret reminding myself of who's in charge and there is nothing to worry about,  after all.  Oh well,  yes,  I cry.  It's a real eye-opener when I have gotten caught up in what I think is SO important that there isn't time for anything but finishing this or finishing that.

............................................................................................:)    Chuckle, chuckle !!!

When I do it (whatever "it" is) with the perspective that I get -to -do- it,  not "have-to-do-it ",  there is new LIFE within and I smile inside because I AM.   And that means I can,  whenever I wish and choose to.

Wake up and "smell" the roses today and everyday.  You have x amount of days here on this planet,
what's the hurry ?   Pull a mint out of your pocket,  give it to a person next to you on the bus,  you know,  make it personal,   there's no time like the "present".   If you want,  you could call an old friend,  remember the good ole' days ...... like, "What's the Secret Word " ....with Groucho Marx,  or "Kukla Fran and Ollie",  ..... "Howdy Doody",  " Singing in the Rain"  with Gene Kelly ..... "Mr. Greenjeans" ......
"Johnny Carson" ....... "Marshall Dillon ",  ... "Dinah Shore" ... "See the USA in your Chevrolet",... add to this list,   I challenge you.  " Heart of My Heart",  I Love that Melody, heart of my heart bring back those memories,  when we were kids on the Corner of the Street ........ if this doesn't sound familiar,  sorry about that,   simply a generation gap.  You understand !

Of course......" WE ... (brother & sister) ...REMEMBER " !!!!

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................................................................:)

"Embrace Me, my Sweet Embraceable You, .................Have a "great day"  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Early this particular morning,  I grabbed my camera and tried to capture the "beauty"......

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Somewhere along my "way",   I decided to "be happy" ..... but of course that remains my decision,  and guess what ,   it happens sometimes.   Yeah,   it does.   But,  now & then,  not so much.  " First you say you do and then you don't "..............:)  

So,  my working title for this morning is " DO YOU KNOW THE WAY" ?   And the very next thing I am going to say "right now" ...... (that is an important statement "right now")    Do not follow me then.
I can't really say that I'm unhappy either.   You might even know the experience !  

And with this in mind,  I just "danced" my way across the room to pick up my dictionary,  "words" ,
"like those words" .... this time it was "postulate".  To assume something is true.   Yeah,  that's my take on this "mood"  I'm in.   So,  I am up at 1:45 am,  writing and listening to some lovely music by  "Ray Anthony" and his orchestra.  At one point,  the thought came to me,  I don't like this music,  turn it off.
I decided to listen anyway.   I'm very happy that I did ... continue to listen. 

For all intents & purposes,  finding our way is what it's all about.   It's not easy.  In many ways,  one has to be daring.  Try this,  then if that doesn't work,  try that.   I know this though,  when there is "Peace" in my heart,  it really isn't the problem it was "once upon a time".   

As lovely as a "rose" is .........It "does" have thorns !!

In spite of it all .......have a "beautiful day "

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...........................................................................:(  ?   ___  :)  Tee hee  !

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Come with me on today's excursion

by :  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson    _  author/publisher

When I head out my door,  I quite simply do NOT know where I will end up.  So,  come along with me
as I journey to parts unknown.   

First,  these early morning travelers ..... passed.  I asked their permission to take their pictures.

Note the time,  I am never alone in the early hours ......

So then I continued to walk and debate with myself about the direction to take.   Several thoughts came to mind,  but I vetoed them when I approached this interesting by way ........

Having passed this way often,  but promising myself that one day I would climb down below and see
what others had the courage to go see .........

Here I go .... or maybe not .......                  
See what I mean ?  Mountain lions ? ?

Well,  nothing ventured,  nothing gained.  So,  off I go into the wild blue yonder,  down,  down this sort of steep incline

Nearing the what is known as the river bottom ....I kept on (but not before asking a jogger lady with  her dog, did you see a mountain lion .....she said "no")   so I continued ....

Pretty nice down here,  huh?

Next this sign .........

This reserve has only been protected for thirteen years,  I moved to this valley 26 years before that !

Sadly,  where I am and where this man is walking with his dogs,  this entire river bottom will quite probably be completely

under water with the predicted "El Nino" floods,  in merely months ahead of us........ So heading back to
Rice Rd.,

A rocky climb up,  up to the top.........

Almost there ...I am proud that I took this journey to the bottom of our river

I am a "sure-footed" little traveler/hiker !   And,  hey,  no mountain lions,  that I could see anywhere .....
now above it all ...

So I look back from across the street on where else ? ...Rice Rd.

Who do I run into next ? ........ these guys,  all three,  Oh,  I should say "four",  since baby Claire Rose
will be making her debut in two weeks.   Good luck, ......all of you !

See you around guys ...........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .....................................................................:)

Fast Swing Dancing - ULHS 2006

Monday, October 12, 2015


Yesterday,  the "two of us"  ( my beloved brother & I)  shared precious moments after three years.

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It has been my pleasure to know and experience four "great" brothers.  I am blessed
and thankful for all four.

Ron,  who you see above with me lives in Spokane,  Washington.   Come visit again soon,
bro'.   Next time  bring your nap sack ,  and "rake" ........:)

Be well & prosper ..... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................:)

Friday, October 2, 2015


Greetings from lovely Ojai Valley's shopping center ....

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson   _author/publisher

This is "my" day of receiving monies,  in the bank via S. S. !   The folks I know around town and all over the country are also divvying up the "rewards" of working lo those many,  many years.   Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor ?   Don't spend it all in one place.   Me,  the grocery store does a darn good business on each first of the month.  Have you gone yet?   I waded through the crowd hours ago.   Plenty buying for the weekend,  storing up for the month ahead.   It is a wonderful gathering place to catch up and say "hey".

This mall is available to Ojai-ians 7 days a week.

 In this little shopping center,  there is a Von's store ( market),  a Rexall Drug store,  a Hardware store ( True Value), Beauty Shop,  Movie & DVD rental store,  a boutique type store,  a dress shop,  and a restaurant called " Eggs & Potatoes".   Sometimes I get to go there for "Huevos Rancheros".  Yum !!

What is helpful to me is this bus stop,  with a large Gold Coast bus which travels to Ventura.  Everyday,  I can ride every half hour,  but must limit it on weekends to one bus per hour to and from Ventura.

Along side this shopping mall is this great bus stop to Ventura, CA

I am grateful for all that is here and provided for us.  Gold Coast transit to Ventura picks us up every 1/2 hr,   except weekends which is every hour.  The ride is fabulous,  but you cannot be in a hurry.   The ride to most places in Ventura, and most especially,  VTC ....our transit center is approximately 1 hour long.   All aboard !  A conversation starts between passengers and
it makes the trip very interesting.  I enjoy the cute little tykes,  some even in infant seats,  some with their dollies.   :)  Others,  on their way TO Ojai,  are taking their bicycles to ride along the gorgeous pathways in our "fair" city.

This bike rider was "gearing" up for a musical concert at Libbey Bowl.

Which reminds me ,  today in our beautiful Greek theatre is a
sing-a-long with the score from "Grease".  Folks gather on weekends
shop and sight see in the Arcade

Young & old alike are gathering and enjoying the ice cream store to the left

Take a walk on the Ojai side,  friends,  we welcome you to our town,  for eating shopping and taking in the sites,  and enjoying musical concerts as well

Bye for now,  from Ojai's "new" self- appointed Ambassador  of "good-will"

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................:)