Friday, October 16, 2015

Early this particular morning,  I grabbed my camera and tried to capture the "beauty"......

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Somewhere along my "way",   I decided to "be happy" ..... but of course that remains my decision,  and guess what ,   it happens sometimes.   Yeah,   it does.   But,  now & then,  not so much.  " First you say you do and then you don't "..............:)  

So,  my working title for this morning is " DO YOU KNOW THE WAY" ?   And the very next thing I am going to say "right now" ...... (that is an important statement "right now")    Do not follow me then.
I can't really say that I'm unhappy either.   You might even know the experience !  

And with this in mind,  I just "danced" my way across the room to pick up my dictionary,  "words" ,
"like those words" .... this time it was "postulate".  To assume something is true.   Yeah,  that's my take on this "mood"  I'm in.   So,  I am up at 1:45 am,  writing and listening to some lovely music by  "Ray Anthony" and his orchestra.  At one point,  the thought came to me,  I don't like this music,  turn it off.
I decided to listen anyway.   I'm very happy that I did ... continue to listen. 

For all intents & purposes,  finding our way is what it's all about.   It's not easy.  In many ways,  one has to be daring.  Try this,  then if that doesn't work,  try that.   I know this though,  when there is "Peace" in my heart,  it really isn't the problem it was "once upon a time".   

As lovely as a "rose" is .........It "does" have thorns !!

In spite of it all .......have a "beautiful day "

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...........................................................................:(  ?   ___  :)  Tee hee  !


  1. I'm just "itching" to write since I have been without a computer now for many weeks. It seems like an eternity. But, soon, hopefully, next week, I'll be back punching the keyboard. and enjoying "wonderful" exciting words that help us on our way through LIFE. Then again, music with words and music without words. edify and bring wholeness to our souls. The great big outdoors, oh yes, that is priceless. People, family and friends, of the west !!! All in all, it's cool to "be". Happy Thanksgiving !!

    (_ A Wink & a Smile_) .................................................:)
