Saturday, June 6, 2015

Written on 09/06/2014 by Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

More & more have I been "MOVED" to "REST",  in between acivities, of course,  I STILL have a "LOT" of living to do. but "BALANCE",  is what will take you wherever you need and even want to go,  "FASTER"

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson_ author/publisher

While you are over in WORD PRESS territory there are numerous posts available for viewing. This a.m. I read up on what I wrote a year ago.  Interestingly enough there is quite often "parallels" similar to what I put "down- on- paper" these  fascinating days.  The message is CLEAR,  the attitudes that carry us through our "MAGNIFICENT  LIVES",  are always what will bring happiness,  peace,  joy.  the abundant "LIFE", "health ",  "prosperity",  "success" & much much more !  Seems like a sure bet!   Yes?

Even though TRUTH is as "old-as-the-hills",  our "LIVES" ,.....(when these "TRUTHS  are incorporated/applied )  are always ..."BRAND NEW" ...and .... "EXCITING" !  So, today's topic WILL  TAKE  YOU  THERE,   wherever you want to or need to go.   That being "REST", indeed a concept  that  has " definite potential" !  ?  Oh,  it's a proven "FACT", everyone !  So go on over to and browse around that "VENUE for a trial run"'s territory.

Tune in again tomorrow,  " THIS LITTLE BIT OF COUNTRY "  will continue and "hopefully"  "entice"  you  "FOREVER"  ?.........................:)   My treat _ at least for the moments I have you
"on-the-edge-of -your- seats".......................tee hee !

MY "FINE-FEATHERED" FRIENDS & their friends,  the alpacas *(in the background)   "I LOVE WHAT I DO " , "SIGH" !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

Snoop around over there _ http",,, on Word Press,  http://4u2become1.blogspot,,, google+

Friday, June 5, 2015


FRIENDS,  Seize the moment,.........YOU ARE_ "NOW"   

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Even as I "try" to write this" blog/post,  "I AM"   faced with "waiting" for Firefox to  decide to "respond" and perform  the way it is meant to do.  Then I look at the title of this blog and chuckle,
BECAUSE,  my title for today,  "helped me"  SEE,  "I AM" _ NOW".  I remember deciding long ago,  I don't want to live with  "PROMISES"  that keep a carrot "dangling"  before me.!   I am
but,  as LIFE would have it, THIS MORNING,  THIS BLOG or laptop is acting up and challenging
the content or purpose of writing "NOW".   Funny,   "everything" ( it seems) that could possibly go wrong HAS..............:)    Not like there IS a "sense of humor" _ "hanging around in my midst" !

As was my purpose for this "blog" I have even now, myself  "stopped", "WAITED"  ( being forced to by circumstances,  and have been in-the-moment,  sometimes I do not "like" what is "THERE", in-the-moment,  but oh friends, sometimes  ,it  is "MAGICAL",  and is definitely a "SMART"  move.   More often than not,  it IS a moment with my  "CREATOR", "MYSELF" and "not one"  that I would have ever wanted to miss !    I make appointments with  "HIM"/ ME  and keep them often.....daily,  and sometimes throughout the day, off and on!   I believe that  these are "the" most important times  "EVER,  IN MY LIFE" !     

Past blogs have been dedicated to this topic ....last year,  over on, htp://,  http://chooseurwords  (Word press) 10/14 - 1/15.!  Now I get to take "me" back to that SPECIAL place in my heart.   And along with that is this awesome magical  countryside to  "devote"  these times to,   and in fact have already been delightfully happening.  Moment by Moment,  I am in the company of  "GREATNESS", taken in doses that are designed  for me  as I can !   But, definitely,  a  "SMART",  exciting,  "MOVE" on my part.   For "ME",  GOD is NOW,  NOW'S  are growing and becoming "MORE" important, and frequent !  

A very good "furry" little friend reminded me once,  "SILENCE IS GOLDEN".....  

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:)

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Well, this is "ONLY" part of what makes up my BODY...(this is when I broke my ankle, bet you can't tell which one-the left one).....:)  It DID heal very nicely _ in March of 2014, I slipped on the wet bathroom floor after my shower_ ( slippers-made by yours truly,  yep,  I crochet too  ( MARY'S CARRY, Inc.)

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Getting showered, dressed and all that "good stuff" I do each morning after my breakfast,  I do what I have taught myself to do in the past few years.  I am a Massage Therapist,  & with a little fall here & there I have really learned how to take GOOD CARE of my "heavenly body".....:)

Unfortunately it took these falls/breaking of my bones to force me to look closer at how I am regarding my own FLESH & BONES.    Well,  folks, now I know,  that I only have one body and it TOTALLY deserves "BETTER" love & attention than what I have given it through the years.  Oh what an understatement that is.  When I started taking better care,   I just gave it really "excellent"
showers...."therapeutic-in-nature" &  then I rubbed it  ( my ankle in particular) with coconut oil.
At night I gave special attention with ice packs and elevated it.  That procedure gave me shining rewards from my ankle & my Orthopedic Doctor...who said, _ "Mary, you're the best little bone healer in the world ! "  Hey,  I  "liked"  that !

Now,  that I have been "healing" my own "SOUL",  my "body" has " made mention" of some neglect & hurts as well !!!   YIKES,  oh please,  _ another understatement !

The  "l-o-n-g  &  the s-h-o-r-t"   of it,  is this.......I do what I never dreamed needed- to- be- done.
I   "THANK MY BODY"  up close & personal,  each morning as I put creams & oils all over and tell it that I appreciate how it has stuck by me all these years through thick & thin !   Now, I could probably be arrested for abusing my body and not giving it the love and attention it  "ABSOLUTELY & COMPLETELY" needs & actually deserves !   Also,  that's not really enough,    so I do it some more  throughout the day.   The time I spend giving attention to my number friend and companion  (MY BODY),  is money in the bank !    I don't skimp .....I consider this a  "LIFETIME investment".  I don't think it is EVER too late,  to begin something extremely positive & life giving in our lives.  Consider the alternative !  HUH ?    I choose changing NOW !  .... "AWESOME" !    WHO  loves  you,   "BABY" ?

Once again this morning, the pleasure is mine,

From the "fabulous" country "aura", of OJAI,  CA, _ I,  ( Kat),  bid you "happy trails"  this day, Thursday !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:),,  http;?/  ( 2014-2015 (Archives) "look me up"  ( I Support Life & Living Words ) Google+

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Oh well, NO I do not mean that these "fellas" are funny,  but the "guy" on the right "can" spin a "Yarn"  DEFINITELY ! 

The "gentleman" ( Dodger uniform) above is a one-of-a-kind "special edition" type of personality called  SPUD.   Many folks around the world, know & love him......that means "me", too,  SPUD.  Thinking of you today with my special  "Thanks" !!

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

As always,  I started with a subject that I thought would be entitled something like " Laughter",
don't forget it !   I "know", that "we-the-people" are blessed when this phenomenon....."LAUGHTER"
takes- me -away  and polishes the center of  my "BEING" !   I now have a sense of "HUMOR" that "erases"  pain & heaviness , lubricates the mind and body,  keeping   "LIFE"  &  "LOVE"  & "LIMB" ...." LIGHT  &  JOYFUL" !

I remember the first  "belly-laugh"   I ever experienced personally,  (it wasn't too many years ago),  I shocked myself,   but totally enjoyed the "experience".   Guess what I was doing ?   I was watching Archie Bunker on  "ALL IN THE FAMILY".   Some people do not like him,   but I find that show "hilarious".   It would not  have   "tickled- my- funny-bone"  a "very " - "l-o-n-g" time ago !   But "time" has changed a great deal  & I AM a different person.  A major, welcome change is that of "LAUGHTER" !  I  LIKE  that,  "in me" as much as any thing else that has changed and made my life richer !!........:)  

So, this I know,  being  really-in-touch  with the true nature of  "LIFE", is  being -in-touch with all aspects of a well -balanced  "DEMEANOR" .  NES  PAUX ?    If you doubt GOD'S sense of humor,  there IS this "cute" animal at the end of my "driveway",  called an "ALPACA".   First you see the alpaca's pasture friends, the Emus,   then to the right of the picture you'll see alpacas.(background)  But you know,  they are something  "PRECIOUS"  after all !     Just keeping it "real" !

A "friendly bunch" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................:),,  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word -archives _ 10/14 - 1/15) ,  ( I Support Life & Living Words), https.//,  Google+


Hey,  like my opening shot ??

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

I do !  ( Like my opening shot )..................:)   "Life",  as I  NOW  know it,  doesn't go on as- per- usual.  "Every single day,  hour,  minute is a "mystery"  and well, who doesn't like a "good mystery"?   I didn't use to,  or at least,   I never "really" knew it was !   I had the "notion" that I was certain of "everything".  Go figure !!    What ever "possessed" me ?  Then I was faced with needing to-be-healed !  When I got into Life's  "uncertainties"  Then_ & only then,  did I begin to find out for certain that "having FAITH " would set me  " FREE".!

Being a strong- willed, "unruly" child,  I "questioned"   "ALL THINGS" !   But NOT until I was passed the age of questioning and started in my "GOLDEN YEARS" !  That matters NOT in the end !  I am   "GLAD",  sooooooooooooooooo "glad"   I learned for myself,  that I "actually" COULD, and would not be  shunned,  reprimanded  or ignored !  These are things I felt when I was a little younger.  Later in  "LIFE" , you know, NOT that long ago,   I learned _" thankfully"_  that I COULD and SHOULD  "QUESTION" !   One thing that stood out  to me was this "ANYONE" who is really "confident" &  "IN CONTROL"  would answer either "yay or nay".  They did not always need to know the "ANSWER",  but that they COULD  just   "BE THERE" as_  in-the-present!   Tears are beginning  to "fall" as I put these words down here,  because  NOW,   I KNOW,  someone "IS THERE"  rather "HERE"  "ME".     I speak only  "this moment"   about this _BECAUSE of the "Level", that  this  "AWARENESS" ,  has _"finally"_ reached !

I believed "that I AM " Healed" as scriptures tell me,  and  "learned" that in order "TO-BE-ME" "questioning"   WAS- and- IS  " ABSOLUTELY necessary"   in order to really  "KNOW" what you want and are looking for !   LIFE'S "uncertainties"  really do exist !   I became "FACED" with an "essence" that presented itself to me ,  I" asked of it,  " Who Are You",  the answer  __ "EVERYONE & NO ONE".    My "response"........"Oh, .. I LIKE THAT",  "unparalleled"   to anything ,  I have ever "encountered"  "BEFORE" !   That together with numerous other "close-encounters"  has made  ME a stronger individual !   I guess,  "Seek & ye Shall Find"   fits  "here",   HUH ?

AS ALWAYS.. though,  here, this morning, it as been a pleasure......

Remember the "shot" at the top of this post/blog ?  These are them,  Jack & Marlene !   I "ASKED" then to "pose" for me !
 And I would "write " about them in my next blog ..........................:)

Let today's "MYSTERY"  unfold !!!   "ENJOY" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:) 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


This morning I am sporting a new picture (selfie) taken with my new camera, (naturally it's a Vivitar) , please note the adorable "ant" beside me

Some of you folks have heard this, but the "story" about this adorable ant (made, incidentallly out of rocks and wrought iron)  is......"Hey Charles, where did you get the figurine,  (answer)....oh that,  
my "aunt" made it"............:)

by: Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

I am "sipping bottled water" in place of "Java" this morning,  why?  Don't know !   I guess I wanted to mix things up a little !   So,  today the topic is "ERGONOMICS"...definition _ the "science" dealing with designing things (working with things) most comfortably and efficiently.  It is "paramount" in today's world to have the ability to "get things done" with the least amount of effort and still accomplish the desired result!

When I made the humungus move back to "Paradise",  I spent a few hours shaping things up to my liking.  I had a "BALL" !  "I LOVE WORK".  For many years, my friends have told me to write a book on "HOUSEHOLD TIPS"  ( hey, you know I DID start a blog about that very's still in the archives somewhere),  well I haven't done it YET !!......:)   As I was having fun fixin' things up around this place,  the word "ERGONOMICS"  kept popping in my head.  So, I looked it up.  I knew and have known for a while that there really is a better way (more efficient) to do "everyday things" and I have been doing that for a few years on my own. !   I guess there IS a market for it.  It makes life "SIMPLER" _  so there is "time/money"  for "LOTS" of other things,  I can/will pass these tips on,  if you are interested.   At the bottom of my post is a place for "comments".

Back to " the Simple Life, here in God's country,,  just a "few of folks"

On "Memorial Day " weekend I went downtown on the "trolley",  I took this picture (right before I dropped my camera and broke it).  Across the street is the Post Office (huge tower...GORGEOUS ( pic coming soon) ) and a "beautiful park"  called LIBBEY PARK ( there were BOOTHS everywhere..).   Ojai  IS  a tourists town,  so folks came to our fair city for the holiday !

Everyone was "happy ",....merchants,  Country Club  ( Ojai Valley Inn....lovely place),  lodging of every variety !  Neighboring towns are "Oak View," & "Casitas Springs".  There is a lake called "Lake Casitas",  (so sorry that the water level is "down now).  But our Lake is gorgeous !

This "familiar shot"  is seen almost everywhere here in Ojai, CA !  Horses, horses, horses !  Also though, we have  "farms of citrus,  avacodos,  and  lavendar  as well.  I would be remiss if I did not mention the "TREES", fabulous trees, in droves !   

COMING favorite shot:

One "sweet" morning on my usual walk up-the-hill came along these special people from up-the-hill on Fairview Street !  I love it!

ALWAYS a pleasure friends:  from Ojai,  CA

(_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................:),,  ( Word archives (10/14 - 1/15) "Sweet Nothings" _"Peace for Everyday"_, & so much more to choose from: ( I Support Life & Living Words)  Google+

Monday, June 1, 2015


  I'm coming your way this morning,  again, _  8:45 a.m., Monday June 1, 2015, because,  I 

sincerely recommend that you watch " Astronomy Picture of the Day _ ( APOD),....Google it or whatever you need to check out this "fascinating",  magnificent collections of videos.  It's spellbinding !  I know you will enjoy seeing what others have been
researching & finding for us to "see" & "appreciate".

'Til we "come together",  again,   take a moment and go where you " may "  have never gone before !!

Endorsed by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher * 

*see credits on past & future posts (25)
& Google+