Saturday, June 20, 2015


Reminder folks, _ APOD ( Astronomy picture for the day)
Someone I know love's Astronomy.......:)  It's cool !

 I've missed my good friend,  Lily.  I hope you recognize her,  that means you've read up on some of my other  web sites...
 & they are,  _,, ( all on Word Archives 2014-2015)  Some topics include:

_" Do You Have Authorization ? " _ " Sweet Nothings 1 & 11 " , _ " An Excellent Decision, a Sunday Kind of Love", _ "Peace, a Word for Everyday ", _ "RX for Today", " Under the Christmas Tree ", _  a post on " Assisted Living Facilities", _ " It's Words Like These ", + an array of many other topics (designed to share our everyday experiences).....take a peek....& by all means,  check out sweet, adorable,  witty,  spunky,  mischievous,  delightful,  precious,  " LILY " ( above) ....Sigh ! 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher 

I remembered something my son told me today about the "gorgeous" stars in this incredible
"haven of magnificent natural phenomena" ,  yep,  that would be OJAI VALLEY,  "my home"...:)
so around 12:00 ( midnight),  I stepped out and literally gazed at this wonderment.  I'd love to provide you with a picture of the galaxy's as I viewed them moments ago.   It is a sight-to-behold !
APOD is constantly available for you to get a good look and read up on what's what out there & you can ALWAYS step outdoors yourself,  right ?  I DID go outside at night in Glendale, CA and gaze at the moon & stars.  Don't miss the "beauty & mystery " of it ALL.   I won't say LIFE IS TOO SHORT,  because for "ME",   "LIFE " is a continuum,   the  "LIFE" I know,   will never ever END.  But hey,  so what if it does,  it's STILL the "greatest" !

But while I am still in this fleshly body,  "everywhere",  there is outrageous "grandeur."  That brings to mind the awesome & spectacular GRAND CANYON,   breathtaking rock formations in Arizona, ....well,  of course one could take a lifetime and not touch on all there is to experience in CREATION.    But honestly,   I do know & experience,   so much  "beauty"  & "richness",  right under  THESE  stars & mountains,  terrains  &  orchards,  and  animals  &  really and truly "PEOPLE",  who  LOVE  &  appreciate it ALL !    ( Maybe Chamber of Commerce is looking for a PR person ? ).........................................:)

That would be her ( under the shade tree ) ....:) "yours truly"  &

this "HAPPY" camper,  taking it easy

making sure to " take-it-all-in ",   as sure as shootin' !  "THIS IS MY LIFE" .....  Not too shabby",  huh?

If you want to come to see me,  bring a sleeping bag or bed roll and just gaze at the stars all night long!............. !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

* credits listed above in the beginning of this post,  " &",  Google+

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Good morning folks,  it's Thursday,  June 18,  2015 !  Welcome to my world !

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _author/publisher

On mornings like this I just want to open with "song",  bringing this one to you is special to me ( this morning....:) __ "Whether sky's are gray or blue,  any place on earth will do,  just as long as I have have you,  my "happiness",  I "crawled" out of bed,  reluctantly _ ( lifted much to much yesterday....groan,  groan... ).  While I was making my coffee,  this pretty song popped into my head & heart,  it made me "happy".  I take these things to heart,  I cherish what comes "down-the-pipes" and turns the "grey "into "blue" & so on and so on.......:)  Long ago I started writing about how music & song & "literally"  changed my entire LIFE.   It still does and will always be there to make-my-day !!  The "OPENER"  song was  "YOU ARE MY SPECIAL "ANGEL",  ( I like this shirt, by the way  (* see picture above )..........................:)

That fateful night when I heard "You Are My Special Angel" opened doors that helped me see that  "LOVE" is "REAL" to me and "FOR" me.  I was faced that night with a choice,  to allow that special "LOVE" into my LIFE and "heal" a lifelong of "FEAR".  I confessed that I didn't see how that was possible,  because there was" way to much"  hurt & pain !  At that point I looked back into my life and that's all I could see.  "LOVE" asked me,  " you don't want to choose "LOVE", over this hurt & pain.   Well, I did it !   I DID it.   Today,  a few years later,  "I AM IN LOVE"  and that kind of "Pain & Fear" is  G-O-N-E.     "All"   my "LIFE",  ALL in knew was misery & pain.   Oh, gee,  what a blessing and a JOY to wake up and be "HAPPY".  Happy all my days, not just one,  but ALL of them for now,  a few years past, and "FOREVER".  

I know LIFE is specific to each & every person's needs and make-up,  so this is & was my 
DREAM,  I am holding out for YOU  this morning and believe that "you have a Dream"  designed for "you" and that "dream is possible".   "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" !!!

Good morning,  good morning, we danced the whole night through,  good morning,  good morning to "YOU"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:),,  htp://  ( WordPress archives: 2014-2015),  http://4u2become1.blogspot,com,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Google +,

That would be  "ME" ??

**** **********

_ A WORD or TWO,   to re-emphasis ,  that  "YOU ARE",  and essentially,  there is......"ONLY YOU",   in the "FINAL ANALYSIS"  ?????     Somewhere along-the-line,   it DID all BEGIN, with you,  RIGHT ? ( hence,  "IF NOT ME,  THEN WHO? ")  _ will see-to-it that _" YOU have" _ what you need,   right here where   "YOU ARE "!!! )    But,  "MAYBE"  "you" have "decided",  that it is simply easier to pass-the-buck,  & "ALLOW"  others to be responsible for _  _"YOUR -only- SELF" ! ?? _ There are answers........please ask the questions ..... for "YOUR-SELF" !

******** ****** ******* ****** ******* ******* ******* ****** ****** ****** *****

 * by: Kat Carlson _ today,  Sunday,  July 12, 2015 _ UPDATED


But I didn't think people "had" to work in Paradise................huh?  Think I got a bum- deal.......
( just kidding.......:)  Of course the view is nothing-to-sneeze at,  oh wait,  yes,... in fact sneezing is what I do occasionally !   SIGH !  As "Ellen" says, .............." ANYWAY" !  _( Like my shirt ?_ " ANGEL" ? )

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Yesterday,  on my morning walk up-the-hill,  on Rice Rd.,

I stopped by the stables on Meyer again,  ( one of my favorite haunts )I got to meet and find out "a little" bit of Vicki's story and how she came to know & purchase her PRECIOUS "RED" of years !

He's a "BEAUTY" and so "BIG",  ( quite a "HUNK"), _ well,   the LOVE between them is really "something else"

Vicki and her beloved,  " RED"........she rescued him and sees to it that he's in- good-hands,   the complete "story" about this "dynamic duo",  is coming up later in a separate blog......I am looking forward to promoting and sharing this "divine" relationship !

After finding out this exciting story and saying "good morning" to my new friends,  I continued to walk ( you know the drill),  getting better & quicker and "still" loving the trek,  ( I see people going to work,  bicycling, ridng their horse,  "rabbit",  sooooo cute,  with white tails,  they actually turn around and look back at me after passing by me.....fuuu-nnn-eee !  The mornings in my world are SO ..."PRECIOUS"....... and then of course,  so,  is the "rest- of- the- day" ! 

A pose in front, surveying my "kingdom " next shot.......

My walk is over ( for today ),  relaxing ( sigh ),......before I get-to-work !!  As I present this blog to you...many hours later, I go back to bed for a little snooze and start all over again,   but it will "NOT" be the same this morning or any other morning......... I "get-to-live" in "PARADISE"................:)  It's " HEAVENLY"...............

Remember to take-a-break for yourself,  often,  throughout the hours,  days,  weeks,  months, PEOPLE !     ( Check out the topic for today,  there's  "ONLY "  _ "YOU"  )

(_ A Wink & a Smile_ )..............................................................................................:),,,  ( Word Press archives 2014= 2015 ) ,,  ( I Support Life & Living Words ) Google +

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

This is "IT",  yep,  the "infamous" hill that I "trek "_ "every" day,  usually in the morning between 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Often when I walk down Rice Rd.,  I get waylaid,  and take a little detour to the pastures ( corrals) where there are livestock of various kinds.  Nothing there short of the miracles of life.  There are turkeys  ( white ones, yes white...gobble-gobble) goats ( very friendly goats_ pic *), then there are horses, and more horses,  but I discovered this "BIG GUY" recently !  Meet.....

OSCAR,  !!   I had heard about Oscar from friends,  but when I saw him for the first time, I decided,.. "Oh, he's cute"

Next  to Oscar are these two characters.......Millie & Fred,  the wild antics of these two, are soooooo funny, most of the time when I am on Rice ( they live on Meyer), I see them on the roof of there little dwelling so I decide I want to get that picture.  By the time I reach them they jump down from their perch,  (roof top) ,  ( I just knew they would),  so here's the best shots I could get yesterday.............................

I' ve decided that this is "Fred"...
Now,  to me,  the black & white goat is "Millie"

After I visit the stables (once & a while),  I decide to go on up-the-hill , there at the top I decide to either keep going or turn around down the hill,  and meet passers-by,  bikers,  people going to work, waiving as they pass,  ( it's a very friendly place ),  and this "familiar scene".

I "love" this picture !!!  These nice people live on Fairview street at the top of "MY" hill........:)  Marlene & Jack are in back,  the guy in front has no name.........:)

I made it....down-the-hill,  ready for more tree-trimming, raking leaves , laundry,  hanging more stuff  "&" sipping this great coffee !  mmmmmmm ! .......

Meanwhile,  have a "terrific" day,  my friends !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................:),,, http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press 2014-2015),,  Google+,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Monday, June 15, 2015


"ESTEE ",  my friend !..........:)

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_ author/publisher

Cute,   quiet,  Esther,   my friend at Leisure Vale,  Glendale, CA.    Esther loves beautiful  colorful things and her room and attire always reflects this fact!   And guess what folks, she SINGS.  One of my favorites is " Smooth Operator" !!

I hope you aren't carrying around,  any more cartons of soda on a walker these days......:)

Take care you...........sweetie !

This is Christa,  I met her on one of my daily walks up-the-hill on Rice Rd.  She keeps her horse in a nearby stable. 

Other passers- by one morning "walking again" up Rice Rd. It's a "friendly"  town/community !

"Cheers",  my friend

(A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................:)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

TO DO , EASY..........TO JUST BE, CAN I ?

                   Good morning..........  

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

First off,  I discovered only days ago,  that I often mix up this daily blog with "Who I Am".
So seems like this morning I am facing off with myself and pondering ( as I have done time and again ) "who am I " ?   This question has been something I became "resolute"  about,   some time ago!   Now,   at this particular juncture in my  "LIFE" ,  I find it "arising" again.

So  having "value",   I consider this  "vital"  and  "LIVE THE QUESTION",   not so much " Who am I,   as much as........can I just "BE" ???  "DOING" is something I am good at.  "BEING",  takes practice.   Lately,   I practice that more & more. !!  In fact,  I find myself saying often ,  I have to fight for "NOT FIGHTING ",  "ME" !!!!!!!!

At these "special" times,  I surrender and get-in-touch with total   "PEACE & REST",  &  find my  "BEING " .    THIS DAY,   or rather  "right-this-minute",   I bow out,   but,     "I AM COMING BACK ,     "I AMsays so  !!!!!

"LOVE IS THE ANSWER",  ............. SO "BE" IT !! 


(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................:)

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Good morning EVERYONE,   it looks like a pretty good day  from here,.....OJAI,  CA

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

May I approach the bench,   how's that for a topic ?   Well,  there actually were other topics to choose from this morning,  but that is seldom the case.   So, know what,  I just picked the title I liked best.........:)   If I had chosen "Smoke gets in your eyes",   it would have had lots to do with songs that move me.  ( that's a lot of them,  folks, oh, sooooo many) !   the similarity of both topics is,   I looked to  my inspiration in  "prayer",  and sometimes,   I start crying,  tears of  "JOY" !  " May I Approach the Bench"   won  out this morning.

My "walk" started "real" early yesterday morning !   It began at 6:00 ish a.m..   It turns out I am glad I did.   These "pictures" might explain why!

I'd like to introduce " Boomer " for the first time here in blog land ! We had the pleasure of meeting yesterday morning &  this lady named  "Vicky".......

told me a lot more about the stables I visit each morning, "Boomer" & more stuff

For 50 years,  this special lady has mucked and helped out in her corrals,  for her two horses & others corrals as well!
Vicky returning from a knee replacement is hard-at-work once again !  Kudos for our new friends at the corrals!
This "friendly" face has been around the block,  shall we say ?  I dare say,  he was looking for something-to-eat & approached me with expectation.....cute,  huh?

When my visit with everyone here at the corrals, I continued my usual walk up-the-hill and back again,  enjoying the early morning sounds of "Nature", waking up.  Walking toward my house, and getting pretty close, I looked up to the right, high above.......

there they were nestled on top of this tree,  9 birds ushering in this morning or just waiting there ( or whatever birds do) in their own world.......:)   Anyway,  I liked it, and grabbed a shot !

Now, I go on with the promises of this New Day,  Saturday June 13,  2015,  with renewed energy!   

" ENJOY "   This center behind me is where I shopped a little yesterday !....:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................:), http://chooseurwords, http:lilymakesmesmile,com (WordPress Archives 2014-2015),, google+ , ( I Support Life & Living Words)