Friday, June 12, 2015


Relaxin'  after a "l-o-n-g"  "HOT"  walk,  last weekend....a SELFIE !!  

by:  Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Sometimes early in the morning,  as is usually the case,  ( I go to bed early,  remember?),
I putz around the house,  this morning I moved my dining room table around,  putting it in a different direction.  " I like it",  ( "I just love it when a plan comes together", huh Spud?).
And sometimes I write long-hand letters to friends who do not have computers,  so no emails to them.  I still "love-to-write"  long-hand.......:)

In this particular letter to this particular friend,  we close by saying,  "hug yourself for me" !
I smile and do that "very thing" !   A " big hug" from mi amiga MARGARET !   Well, mi amigas y amigos,  I have been writing about this "whole concept" since August,  2014.  In my daily blogs over on WORD PRESS,,  ( & this topic has really been written about by "YOURS TRULY".
The "animal kingdom" started this concept  "l-o-n-g"  ago !  Those "intelligent beings" "KNEW",  it's a JUNGLE,  out there ?    YES?  Stroking & more stroking is absolutely necessary
for them in many ways.  Part of their "survival" ends up being their ritual of  "STROKING" their young and also themselves.

NEXT : this pic is of a special friend of mine:  Miss  "LILY",   a frequently featured "image" on past blogs (* see URL above )

For absolutely sure,  this "lovable feline" captured my heart and the heart of many others ! 
"Ain't she sweet" ?  Oh yes, "sweet & funny", "clever and mysterious", "spunky & self-assured"
all of the above & "even more".  To know her "IS TO LOVE HER".  Kudos to you,  "LILY", my amiga in the animal kingdom......Special tribute.

So, back to "ARE YOU SURPRISED ?",   this I have come to "know & believe & practice",   hugs for yourself   "TO "  yourself ,   along with telling yourself how important you are &  how much you appreciate your very own self,   is a definite "KEY" to "SURVIVAL"  in this "JUNGLE" we live in !   It's never wise to wait for somebody else to supply you with the staple of "LOVING", &  providing  your very basic need.    I DO KNOW,   that   "I AM LOVED"  by my "CREATOR",  &  I believe that is also a reason to reflect this  "powerful decision"  on one's  "SELF".    NOW,  this was not a  DECISION  made by GOD based on merit,   but based on plain ,  pure,  "L-O-V-E".   Whenever I ask,  why do you love me... the answer is always,    "because I want to" !!   I don't  love  myself based on "merit",  "I do it",  ... "because"

I just "do" !   

( _ A Wink & a Smile_ )...................................................................................:),,,  ( Word Press Aug.  2014- Jan 2015),,,  Google +

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Think I can "hail" a taxi,  or "hitch" a ride in THIS neck of the woods ??...............)


by: "ME" _ Kat ( Mary) Carlson

Probably have to shed that coat too,  in an hour or two.  Weather changes in OJAI VALLEY are completely reliable.   I go through numerous "outfits" per day,   simply because,  first there's sunshine,  then comes the "glorious" clouds,  then maybe some wind kicks up.   So,  inside I go to
get comfortable by taking off this and putting on that................................:)   Laundry,  well,  I've sort of taken care of that,   I have a system !.......(sometimes) !

Upon pondering this blog,   I went through several gymnastics,  even thought about alluding to an "altercation" hence the title, " Let's take it outside",  I felt feisty .... ( really quite a lot of fun,  finally)    Change,  well,  it comes whether I like it or not,  but,  mixing-it-up, .. .. IS, ... and,   in the final analysis,  a very good thing,    " huh "__? ? ?

I'm in the "process" of deciding on ,  if I want a TV or not !   Since I moved here  (Ojai),   I just haven't really needed one.   Besides,  I am not at all a TV buff.   There are moments when I want to watch " All in the Family "  with Archie Bunker!  (sigh).    And I have entertained the thought of  renting " The Honeymooners " from the library.  (Jackie Gleason).  

The squirrels chasing the rabbits across the road is often a "highlight of the morning" for other things do come up frequently throughout my day,  that tickle-my-funny bone.
Now,  it's  not  nice  to mention "alpacas,   but have you ever seen one ?  They are extremely "lovable",  true enough !   Emus , too ,  they are the "alpacas" roommates  ( pasture mates) below...

This is an "alpaca" !
This is a barnyard friend,   an EMU !!  ( more emus & alpacas in the back )

Each morning I walk,  I walk up to their pasture on my way to the main road,  and of course they greet me or I greet them,  ( same difference)  and my morning is enhanced by their presence ! .....:)   Always the horses and other animals are eager to see  humans coming in the a.m.   because ( and I thought they were happy to see me)  well,    turns out they are "hungry" !  ...:)   Nevertheless,  I AM "happy" to see them.   Farm animals make pretty good friends in that they are , well,  "friendly " !!

My friends around the world are taken aback by the variety of animals so near to me and available for viewing and having a "conversation"  with ! .........:)    All in all, I "get- a -kick"
out of the turkeys going "gobble-gobble",   the goats going baa-a-a the roosters  "crowing",
,  the crows   "cawing",    the birds singing  ( incredible warbling ),  on my morning walks.   The whole world is waking up and the "sounds" of the "wild" ( nature)  are "such" a blessing and wakes- me -up to "LIFE"  everywhere I " look & listen" !   There are "no" distractions from
worries,  it just is- what- it- is,  and it just makes me,  "thankful"!

Again,  this time with you in the morning,  is a "treat" for me,

Listen to the "MUSIC",    in whatever  fashion  it comes in !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................................:),, ( Archives -2014-2015)
Google+, ( One Step Closer) ( I Support Life & Living Words)


Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Does Tommy Johnson have "some" piano playin' for you ?????  I just  "LOVE"  his piano playin' !!
Tune in _ I recommend,  "Rhapsody in Blue", "Old Cape Cod",  &,  of course you won't want to miss "Boogie Woogie", (the "real" Boogie Woogie" man ) !

More piano playin'  available on You  Tube , is the music of Carmen Cavallaro & Ernesto Cortazar 
I simply adore piano !..........:)

Music is "divinely" inspired.  Last night after dinner & popcorn a "sometimes" special treat,  I tuned in to PANDORA RADIO 

I was " happily"  entertained for "several " hours !   This particular radio station was called " Andrea Bocelli Radio,"  _  it provided a variety of songs,   all of unique quality and geared toward "relaxation" & " inspiration ".   I was "moved" and "taken to musical heights" !!!  Andrea Bocelli  has inspired me for a number of years.  I hope this tip will be something that will enhance your listening ear !

 by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

An extra advantage of living in this "gorgeous" community of "trees". & wildlife of all varieties is
"weather".   Here, the weather is "pronounced "  ( anyway it is to me).   I walked to the mailbox, yesterday afternoon, &  after a "subtle rain"  for hours, the wind  kicked up !  I looked around and was "spellbound"!   It seemed to be " saying" something,  yet I wasn't quite clear on what that was !  One thing that "was" clear _ to me, in the "big city" I no doubt wouldn't have even noticed the "mystery"  of  "sounds"like the "swooshing",  and "bustling" of leaves,  indicating movement, but one cannot see where or what it is that is "moving"  everything around. !

I gave a lot of thought to this phenomenon.   Naturally,  you & I cannot  "see"
GOD,  our Creator & Provider,  we still " know & trust"  that " HE is!   On one of my "early morning walks up-the-hill" in  Glendale,  I did get-in-touch with the "REALITY" , that "everything that was "MADE".....     I mean......."EVERYTHING"    was made,   by the POWER & substance of FAITH.    That "knowledge" gave me the awareness that I "CAN"  trust  " FAITH"  itself.  It isn't up to me,  but only to let " FAITH"  do it's JOB !  That was a new awareness & set -me- free _( after a fashion) !   It,  quite simply,  became a "new & different " perspective  on the subject of  how "FAITH"  & other  "gifts"  work. 

On my walk two days ago,  the side road I took houses two dwellings,   so I went there to get the picture of TOPA TOPA, 
 " the mountain side" seen all over OJAI that depicts this profile of the "INDIAN CHIEF " !  ( see previous blog )    Our "love" & "respect" for this VALLEY is rallied about "everywhere"  you go and by most of us FOLKS  who have the privilege of living here!

"In days gone by , and yet again today & tomorrow,  I honor this time with you.....".

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................................:),,,  ( WordPress archives 2014-2015 ) by Kat Carlson,  http://4u2become1.blogspot  ( I Support Life & Living Words)
Google +,  https:// ( One Step Closer)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Recognize that song title....60's music,  it DEFINITELY has " definitive/life changing,"  meaning for this "GIRL"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Having not been " on my game "  this morning,  I stopped  "looked inside" and said,  " Good  morning,  Jesus _  " Mary,  I love you",   was the reply,   & this song from a wonderful time in my past,  "  You are my Special Angel ",   came to my heart & mind.    Naturally I cried,  tears of  " JOY".  The night I heard this song,  started my journey that has led me to this " happy" state of being.  Music has always been a medium for my relationship with the  "author & finisher"  of my "FAITH". !!    Every "step of the way",  songs after songs  speak directly to my "heart",  & I become
 stronger & stronger opening up to "Life" _  ( Abundant Life )!

Much of my "journey"  has been "rough" ,  although I was _"SHORED UP"_  with the _"POWER" of "LOVE", _ to give me the "Faith " to meet each challenge.   In the "not-so-distant"  future I suspect/predict a "BOOK", that will share this  "magnificent story"  of  " over coming "
triumphing over the POWERS  of "DEATH" !    It is a "new day" for me in this "world" and each & everyday,  is something to "behold" ,  "cherish"  &  "CELEBRATE"......"FINALITY OF WORKS" !

Back to the drawing board "so-to-speak" & meeting the challenges of "unspeakable heat",  our first "HOT DAY" in ,  Ojai,  yesterday,   was 97 degrees,  and still no "air-conditioner".    Yep,  a challenge,  "pure & simple" !    Today I will be getting a break,  with only 83 degrees "tops" !   I'll start my walk earlier as I did yesterday and then prepare for a trip to the bank & market.   Life goes on and "I-for-one" am looking forward to it with  "delight"  & " music,"  of course!!    I would say "keep on the sunny side,"  but that sounds too much like yesterday !  Whew !

Ah,  yes,  this should help !!,  huh? 

Somehow this, too,  is one of my favorites !!!   As seen by passers-by,   and  "me"  of course,  it's "my"  hill !.....:)

Have a " wonder-full " day,   "friends".................

(_A Wink & a Smile-)............................................................................................:),,, Word, archives 10/214 to 1/ 2015,, ( I Support Life & Living Words)  ( One Step Closer ) 

Monday, June 8, 2015


               A LITTLE  "taste" of  OJAI,  CALIFORNIA

                                   by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _  author/publisher

"ONE STEP CLOSER",  "I SUPPORT LIFE," ,  " LIVING WORDS"   ( to name of few)

I'll send a "few" selfies, etc..,  this one... I took after a " l-o-n-g", hot walk. 

I have always liked this one ,   I met these great people on my ( where else ),  WALK,... of course !
Right where they are standing is the same hill I walk "up & down" everyday.!  Below,  ( I'll show you ) are some horses in their corrals
Yep,  the same guys,  "here every morning," (owners rent these stables )

Hi, "me again", another selfie, and still on my patio
This view "IS" from my patio ( on a cloudy morning.)......nice, huh?  These are MY trees, orange trees and lots of other ones, THIS kind of view is "ALL OVER OJAI

Another shot of my "front yard"......&  "driveway" to another driveway to the main road

These animals  ( Emus & Alpacas ) are pastured at the "END" of  "MY" driveway

This "gal" came along & I asked if I could take a pic       

 I am sending  "just-a-few" of my "MANY" , "MANY" pictures!

Check out my blogs_  by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................:)  (Word,,,,   Google+

                           " BELIEVE IT"

Back from a "REAL"  l-o-n-g  walk ! _ (wait until you see the pictures I took )  It was hot & sunny here in Ojai, hence the "hat" !......................:)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Last evening I fell asleep at around 5:30 p.m., after a bite to eat !  It was "muy caliente" inside my house,  so when I awakened at 9:30,  it was then COOL outside and "even hotter" inside.  Immediately I got up and threw open windows, doors and whatever I needed to be comfortable. Incidentally,  my air-conditioner is scheduled to be put in asap.  The lovely walk, even though "HOT"  was  another street/road  called "Fairview" !  I saw a scene I hoped I could capture, so I high-tailed it down a side road ( private) , continuing to "investigate".  Next picture you see will be TOPA TOPA,  this mountain peak is the  " profile "  of  "Topa Topa,"   ( an Indian Chief)!

Look closely, & imagine the chin,  forehead, nose & eyes ! This scene can be "seen" ....from almost every vantage point here in Ojai Valley !

Back to my story title,  " Much Obliged",  today,  I will make this message as clear as possible. 
In my recent "bewilderment" with some changes that shook-me-up, a little,  I have been quieter
inside gaining some confidence,  etc.  I draw inward and seek "clarity & guidance" !  In doing this,
this morning & yesterday as well,  I remembered something significent about " FREEDOM " from within  ( as I see it & experience it) !  True freedom means-to-me, not being obligated to anyone. This kind of "station" in one's life,  actually makes you "MORE" able to assist in the live's of others,
and more importantly,  "OURSELVES"   When & "if",   you "HAVE to" "do anything" from this angle, usually,  you haven't the objectivity to  truly  "HELP"  yourself or others !  

SILENCE "IS" GOLDEN,  real true "SILENCE",  helps me "empty" my prejudiced thoughts, and
become "OPEN" from my "HEART" to powerful insight,  clarity from Truth,  "witness" LIFE, for the very first time from a "delightful perspective" .  Our very own minds, do not have this objectivity, and can not " create real "LIFE".  That's a "privilege" of our enlightened "HEARTS" !  I KNOW I can trust my "HEART" to come forth with the... power-to-change... my LIFE for GOOD !  OBLIGATION  does not allow this "Energy" to flow,  in fact it "BINDS" !

"OBJECTIVITY" can be obtained,  and thereby _set you "free"_ !  I give myself this "FREEDOM",
to stand apart, allowing  "fresh ideas to come forth", _ "NEWNESS OF LIFE" !!!!!!!!!  I use my quiet times to do this,  the "results" are "AMAZING, & MIRACULOUS".  In fact I'm pretty sure that's what
"SANCTITY"  means,  yes?

I have often walked down this street know the rest of this song,  don't you,  and  the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before,   does  enchantment  pour out of every door,   no,  it's just on the street where "you live"..........:)
(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:),,  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press)
archives 10/14 - 1/15, ( Living Words & I Support Life),,  Google+,

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Written on 09/06/2014 by Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

More & more have I been "MOVED" to "REST",  in between acivities, of course,  I STILL have a "LOT" of living to do. but "BALANCE",  is what will take you wherever you need and even want to go,  "FASTER"

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson_ author/publisher

While you are over in WORD PRESS territory there are numerous posts available for viewing. This a.m. I read up on what I wrote a year ago.  Interestingly enough there is quite often "parallels" similar to what I put "down- on- paper" these  fascinating days.  The message is CLEAR,  the attitudes that carry us through our "MAGNIFICENT  LIVES",  are always what will bring happiness,  peace,  joy.  the abundant "LIFE", "health ",  "prosperity",  "success" & much much more !  Seems like a sure bet!   Yes?

Even though TRUTH is as "old-as-the-hills",  our "LIVES" ,.....(when these "TRUTHS  are incorporated/applied )  are always ..."BRAND NEW" ...and .... "EXCITING" !  So, today's topic WILL  TAKE  YOU  THERE,   wherever you want to or need to go.   That being "REST", indeed a concept  that  has " definite potential" !  ?  Oh,  it's a proven "FACT", everyone !  So go on over to and browse around that "VENUE for a trial run"'s territory.

Tune in again tomorrow,  " THIS LITTLE BIT OF COUNTRY "  will continue and "hopefully"  "entice"  you  "FOREVER"  ?.........................:)   My treat _ at least for the moments I have you
"on-the-edge-of -your- seats".......................tee hee !

MY "FINE-FEATHERED" FRIENDS & their friends,  the alpacas *(in the background)   "I LOVE WHAT I DO " , "SIGH" !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

Snoop around over there _ http",,, on Word Press,  http://4u2become1.blogspot,,, google+