Tuesday, May 26, 2015


http://1topnotchKat.blogspot.com, https.www.blogger.om/

I'm pulling a "fast one" ,  folks, with a walk down "memory lane", this is Lilymy sweet, adorable, spunky "feline" friend from the days of Word Press & http://lilymakesmesmile.com& sister
sites as well....http://akneadedtouch4u.com, http://chooseurwords.com __

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The title,  " Ain't we got Fun",  naturally comes from the song,  " In the Morning, in the Evening,
Ain't we Got Fun",  . fun,..   I like having fun.......so does everyone !   I hope you had fun this weekend.   The stores were packed with people  "readying"  themselves for "FUN".  I walked downtown to Meiner's Oaks, and waited for our "TROLLEY" to take me downtown to Ojai, which was "LOADED" with tourists "HAVING FUN".  Ojai is a "TOURISTS" town after all!

Later, in future posts,  I will show some sites of our "fair" city/town to all you folks!   But now back to the countryside,  more views of "sites and animals and people"  down here where "we have our own variety of  FUN"  !!.........................:)

I am on Fairview Road,  here just above Rice Rd., taking a "selfie", only 10 seconds to get into position...:)

Headed back down Rice Rd., is this "view" of our river bottom   with "houses & horse corrals" !   I witness the "sites"& "sounds" of "turkeys", ( gobble, gobble), "roosters, "birds singing", 'goats" ( "baa-ing" ), " crows",  of course,  lots & lots of those !  The animal kingdom is very well represented in this community !  I see squirrels, rabbits, pigs, deer, emus, alpacas, "people"
YEP, "people" on & off,  their horses,  these two people are Jack & Marlene !

Back to "my neck of the woods", are the ever popular "Emus & Alpacas" ever changing views ( on video),  later with those,

This particular "fun" session is  a "wrap" for "today,    (May 26, 2015, _ 2:39 a.m..)


(_ A Wink & a Smile_ )............................................)


Monday, May 25, 2015



UPDATED........June 20, 2015

A little bit " COUNTRY".....................you know the rest...........................:)

It's HOME folks,  Ojai, CA ....home with Avocado trees, Orange trees, Oak trees, Pepper trees, & a few more (about 100 trees altogether)  which I cut back & trim along with other chores.  Oh, I'm just helping out,  the tree trimmers get to do their share too !  A pretty yellow-rose-of Texas bush got cut back too.  It has already started to bloom, 3 weeks later.  The weather (June 20, 2015 is in the 90s !

Yep,  I created/built this "sign post" two days ago, "drivers, delivery men never ever get it right, "desperate" measures....:)
it only took me less than 20 minutes to carry the bricks on the dolly, one by one, stack and hang the sign !  Next will be the insertion of a solar light on top !

Well,  I DID IT,....that there "solar light" is installed,  ( June 20, 2015 ) by "yours truly"

Below,  a different view of this "quaint"  &  "adequate" patio,

Happy to have a place to sit,  & "drink coffee",or "tea", &  visit with "family" & "friends"  it is "significantly larger",  than this !!

This morning you & I have taken a quick look at my new "digs",  there's an awful lot more here,  to see and experience, ( like squirrels chasing rabbits across the road,  emus & alpacas ( new pics), Jack & Marlene,  (brother & sister & their horses),  etc. etc, ..& only recently ( June 20, 2015) my new "dynamic duo" friends,  Vicki & her horse "RED " A real love story ........,   so come back for more,   
 tomorrow for another "walk on the wild side"   or  "country living intrigue"

(_ A Wink & A Smile_ )..........................................................................:)

http:akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://chooseurwords.com  ( Word Press archives 2014-2015), http:// 4u2become1.blogspot.com   ( I Support Life & Living Words)


Sunday, May 24, 2015


YOU TUBE hook up:  https://youtu.be/NOcl17Hla7c  lastingtributevideo


EVERYWHERE in our LIFE'S Experiences, PEACE is SOUGHT OUT !! 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

This "Memorial Day"  weekend is set aside by "many, many" people as a HOLIDAY and often a chance to "get away from it all" !  

First and foremost, getting away from it all,  is WHERE everyone should "LIVE" ! ... On a "get-to-know-you "  basis.......everyday !!

FROM the  " CORE of your BEING ",......may you get to "know" intimately,   that "PEACE",  that simply ....." passes all understanding" !!!!

Be well,.... "BE" 

 (_A Wink & a Smile_).....................................................:)

http://akneadedtouch4u.com, http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://chooseurwords.com  (wordpress)
Archives : ( 2014- 2015 )  https://www.blogger.com/ , http://4u2become1.blogspot.com  

Saturday, May 23, 2015

THIS IS "THE" MOMENT...an earlier view


A "BEFORE"  &  "AFTER"...ME in Glendale, the "big"city.....

Now,  a  "horse" of  a  different  color ! ........:)   The  call  of  the "wild" !...."EXCITING" !

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson__ author/publisher

The call of the "wild",......I guess that's what this is !   I finally get it!  I have been soooooo busy fixing up the place,  getting into town to buy ample "groceries" for to last several "days", ha ha,
going for walks, & taking pictures for folks around the U. S. and Alaska,  I forgot,  THIS IS MY NEW LIFE,  & I can sit back & enjoy every little thing about it!   Yesterday,  around 10:00 a.m.,  I finally got it together and decided to WALK up-the-hill again.  At first I DID huff & puff, but halfway up "I" got my momentum going and the climb became "easy" again.  That,  I was thankful for.   I took a day or two off,  to relax & regroup , & let my "Back"  get "Back" into shape !

This morning with my new-found position,  literally, I am in "control" and have a "great" day ahead of me.  But, yesterday's discoveries on my "great walk" first.  Here are some of them,

This is Dennis,  I met Dennis on my way back home,  after a chat with him,  I discovered he is on-the-mend from a FALL, breaking his femur in April.  We both had this bone broken and exchanged our experiences about advancing,, let's say & getting "honest" with "Life"did we DO that Dennis ? .....maybe a little, huh ?

This little "colt" walked away from her mama to meet me for picture taking !

These two " beauties" were next,  not easy to capture,  lots of movement when someone shows some interest !

In this "shot",  I headed back to Rice ( my road just ahead, and walked down Rice toward home,  where I met Dennis,  (ealier picture !

Once again,  back at the ranch....:),  I pick up where I left off,  continued to do laundry,  hang curtains,  etc.   "AND"   make arrangements for TOMORROW,   to go down to Ventura,   (20 miles away),  and   "SHOP" ..... 'til I, "drop".................:)  !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................:)

http://akneadedtouc4u.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://chooseurwords.com,,,( all WordPress) 2014- 2015,  https://www.blogger.com/, http://4u2become1.blogspot.com, Google+

Friday, May 22, 2015



Do you suppose the owner of this house (on Meyer Rd.) minds if I share this picture, hmmmm.........nah!   :)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

It's too early.....2:00 a.m. !  I always write my blogs around this time every night (morning),
however,  my laptop (internet) ALWAYS complains by NOT wanting to show up for work then.....:)
I end up waiting for what seems like a LONG time for it to WAKE UP and decide to function !  :)

 It's a "hurry-up-and-wait" WORLD,  huh folks, ?  Our tree-trimmer (lots of trees) promised to be here at 8:30 am, so we hurried up and arranged things for them to come then.  Didn't happen that way, SURPRISE !!!  Nah,  that's LIFE !  They did arrive in the afternoon, sooo things are gorgeous now here.  What a difference they made.  They WERE quick and efficient !  So it was definitely worth the wait!  Some things ARE worth waiting for,  they JUST ARE ! ....:)  The time we spend "waiting" can be spent in different ways,  but we do grow if we decide to.  Often we get some significant information,  meet someone new,  that kind of thing !!

Now,  I waited for- so- long, to find my resting place after leaving Leisure Vale Assisted Living in Glendale,  and  "LOOK " where it got me !!!

 Here back in this Paradise, I found myself enjoying a magnificent life 
This picture (even on a cloudy day) is what I am looking at from my patio in Ojai, CA  

So I SAY,  it "was" worth-the-wait !  That's for sure !  My thanks to everyone who was involved in the decision making of this exciting adventure of mine !  My son, my landlord, my friends everywhere,  to you,...my hat's off and know that I appreciate all the sacrifices that you made in order for this to happen !  Kudos and blessings to you !  From "beautiful", "gorgeous"  unpredictable, ( weather-wise)  Ojai, , this is "HOME" !!!

View from Rice Rd,. entering my property!  Trees everywhere !

Fellow passers -by,  on Rice Rd.  A similar daily experience !

You' all come back now, ya' hear !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................:)

http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://chooseurwords.com  ( WordPress archives 2014-2015)  http://www.blogger.com/ , Google+

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Black & white this morning, introducing "WORDS", and "me" on my patio again !....:)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Before I begin this morning, bear with me ...another "gorgeous" shot of "breathtaking" OJAI, CA

This shot is "THE" very first picture I took standing immediately outside my front patio door on a cloudy day, no less !   "STUNNING"

Back to the subject THIS morning, which is my favorite...."words".  I KNOW for an ABSOLUTE fact,  that words have outrageous POWER.  What I intend to convey is the word "PEACE" for instance, I discovered is, when meditated upon becomes an "essence" able to transform yor LIFE !
Honestly,  it really does deliver you into a place of quietness & safety,..throughout everything you do and want to accomplish.  Furthermore, YOU enter a "new" life experience !  No longer do you just exist day by day, the "realm" you enter into sustains you and eliminates doubt as to "what is the meaning of life".  Having created this position for yourself, " a position of relevance and permanence",  the petty little things in LIFE no longer dominate your "being".

And also, other words have the same transforming affect,  these are "REST", not -take- off- your- shoes,-sit- in- front of the TV after a lng days work, adjust your recliner "type of rest", "NO",  a "REST"  within YOU,  something else that "will and does"  sustain you ,  giving you a reliable source for this "LIFE".   Changes will come,  they are changed you are going to welcome,  because LIFE'S worries just aren't relevant after you know  ( intimately ) "REST" and "PEACE" !!

"PEACE"  now is my best friend !   It is always there,  "in my heart",  and giving me constancy !  Reliability IS,  when you become "familiar" with this "essence".!   Yep, it's money in the bank, alright !  Gotta go there folks,  I am thankful for my  "avenues of reliability" !

Two "living words" for today,  there's more, next time !   Be assured that "Ojai & it's beauty" will also be represented here on my daily blog ! 

Time to sit back and enjoy my day ...( Thursday,  May 21, 2015 )

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)................................:)

http://www.blogger.com/,  http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http:1topnotchKat.org,  http://chooseurwords. com ( Word Press 2014- 2015) Google + , http:// 4u2become 1.blogspot.com

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


As I have written about lots & lots of time,  I live in this beautiful "countryside", Meiner;s Oaks, CA,  (this tiny burg has a story of it's own too, but for all intents and purposes,  we are all situated in the small community of Ojai, CA

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

When it comes time to replenish my pantry, or what have you,  I have a chance to call in the "troops" ... usually I call "very helpful" , "splendid", Glenda, or Rose,   at _ HELP (RSVP) of  OJAI_  for a ride into town or Ojai to shop, or go to Dr. appointments,  to give us seniors,  transportation, (many of us do not own or drive our own cars )!   Me ?,  well I,   "occasionally"  walk into Meiner's Oaks and take the adorable "trolley" to our local shopping markets in Ojai proper or what-is-known as the "Y" !

I stand here upon my return to Ojai, CA , (from Glendale, CA ),  in front of Von's , "aka",  the "Y" !

So I am here to "shout" about this HELP of Ojai service (or RSVP).  We are blessed with smiling, giving,  helpful,   friendly  VOLUNTEER  drivers.  They volunteer each day of the week ( Monday thru Friday for a half day!   I can't say enough about their ability to keep us "happy" and "on time", to wherever we are headed.   Often it becomes somewhat difficult to find us because we live in such obscure places.........:)    Nevertheless,  they do it and I,  for one,  am  "GRATEFUL"  for them!  To name a few, "thank you Tom" , &  "thank you Lawrence".   The others (ladies included),  I'm sure with time ,  I'll be calling you by your first name too !   Wish I had taken your pictures yesterday, BUT,  I will , and "post"  them right here so others know too, .... how "precious " you are to "so many" !

Once "AGAIN",  it's our "LOVE"  for our community that makes "living here" so "dynamic" !   Me,  I am a resident of OJAI  since 1977......YAY !!   __ "WHAT'S  NOT  TO LOVE ?? "

"MAGNIFICENT VISTAS."........both pics taken days ago on Rice Rd !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................:)

http:1topnotchKat.blogspot.com,  https://www.blogger.com/,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com, http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://chooseurwords.com _ (Word press archives: 10/2014-1/2015),
http://4u2become1.blogspot.com, Google+