Tuesday, May 19, 2015


http://1topnotchKat.org, https://blogger.com/

Introducing faithful friends of a different variety, aka , my "stuffed" friends,  "Floppy" & "Rip"following me all the way from Glendale, CA

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

What can I say about two of my closest friends,  Floppy & Rip !  "Floppy", " well, just look at him and "Rip",  standing for "Rest in Peace" or Rip van Wrinkle ( a Sharpe')....:)   Sometimes these guys just keep me aware of the little sweet innocent "girl" inside me and bring out the tenderness that is so often needed !  I look into their eyes and melt,  stroking and hugging them, and softens my "heart",  yes,  melts" me like "butter" !    I haven't had the pleasure of owning a "live" animal recently.  I imagine it's the same with those guys too !  Precious LIFE !

In recent blogs/articles I have had the pleasure of showing pics & writing about live animals.  So beautiful are they !  Strong, some of them,  others are here for a different reason.  Yesterday as I walked once again up-the-hill,  I saw a bushy tailed rabbit,  crossing the road.  Oh, yes rabbits and squirrels,  plenty of those down here in horse country!  I live out here in the wild,  so-to-speak ! Not all that wild, but "way different" from the big city where I spent three years ( my last stint)!

In Glendale CA,  I had the pleasure of "singing" and advancing (somewhat) in that capacity!  Songs that I had the pleasure of singing that spoke to me,  was "TWILIGHT TIME", ( the Platters)  "HOW DO YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART" , ( Bee Gees), & "MY LIFE",  ( Billy Joel)  & "JUST THE WAY YOU ARE",  also (Billy Joel) !  There were many others. "PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDERS", (Paul Anka),  the list goes on. I really enjoy singing!

Life is a trade off,  I have much here in Ojai that I am completely thrilled about !  It's a new day in my LIFE and new adventures on the immediate "horizon".  Oh, that reminds me of this song I got to
sing  "BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON" !  Beautuful song , next line "waits a beautiful morn" !...:)

Beautiful morns, they ARE HERE in Ojai, "pure & simple" !

One morning on my daily walk, about 9:30 a.m, . I saw this spectacular view!....:)

"Very Nice"

Same morning,  "hello again" ,  still walking !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)

Scroll on down for more past posts !  Thank you the pleasure !

Monday, May 18, 2015



My camera....overworked ?  Well, guess what, I found out something that surprised "me"! 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

A few days ago,  I began to have "pain" in my lower back.  I, being certain I was Hercules, not really,  but I always felt the power and presence of "might", something akin to supernatural, well, this a.m. after a bout with horrendous pain, both yesterday and last night in my lower back,
I pleaded, yes I did, it was shameful, I rarely plead to be "helped", saying, "I don't understand, why?
Honestly,  I am in the throws of being healed completely,  now this?  What's going on ? Everyday I write and tell people HOW TO,  take care of themselves,  this cannot be happening, and yet here is and was this "pain".  I knew my walking would be different, ( I tried yesterday),  that has changed,
and I said, what about my articles/blogs, what will I write about?

I will try and give a quick overview about these last days unpacking, moving furniture,  yes I did lift a lot,  but then I've always had that kind of "extra" ability, I walked amazingly well,  long & even longer distances,  , "how can I be stopped like this?  How indeed,  I am almost 75 yrs of age going on 25yrs,  I felt !!  Boom!  Now,  I am having to take it easy,  one day, sometimes one hour at a time!  This kind of " pain",  I am not used to!  I have been walking, etc for years and building a body that has proven to be substantial, able!

But as I have written about and encouraged others to do,  I began,  (after lots of questions bewilderment)  I began stroking,  (moving my hands over my body) "loving it" saying" I love you" muscles,  "I love you bones," nurturing and feeling the love.  Then I found a need to apologize to my body for not being sensitive and going overboard !  Then came the "kicker",...  I heard,  after all, you are carrying _ "PRECIOUS CARGO".    The tears began to fall, and they kept coming !
And now as I write, again they fall!  "Precious cargo"   Wonderful !!

I am happy to report that I now am at least " aware of the "glaring" fact,  that I will need to cut back on the overt behavior for a while and then become more alert to what I am doing,  even though it's in the name of "healing" & "happiness" that I do them !   EVERYTHING,  "everything" in moderation!   Never mind the exhilaration, & excitement that I was experiencing,   just a bit of "slowing down" is what it will take for me in my newfound surroundings ! 

Tune in again the next few days, sitting down at my computer isn't that difficult and I know I can
share a bit more of the "happy" experiences I know and "love" in this beautiful lifetime.!

Black & white,  ?  Have to investigate,  gotta be an explanation!  

Still this move to Ojai is amazing !   I am "thrilled" to be here in the company of all that I see and experience first hand !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................:)

http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://chooseurwords.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com ( WordPress),
archives 10/2014 - 1/2015, https://www.blogger.com/.  Google+ http://4u2become1.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 17, 2015


No color today, my camera just might be overworked......:) 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson_author publisher

My camera "overworked: ?,  yep probably,  and my laptop too,  is having some "issues" ! .....:)
So,  on I go on,  bringing to you another post on this place called " a little bit country".....Ojai, CA

During yesterday's walk I captured some other pictures of horse's corrals and two goats *, but I gotta tell you, something not - so- usual,   looked to my left in the meadow, and saw two deer !  On yes, they frolicked about so much I could not manage to get their pictures !   I'll get them,  just you wait !  My neighbor,  Chuck,  commented on "how unusual seeing deer here in the river bottom was" !
So now, another challenge lies ahead....pictures of "doe, a deer, a female deer".....:) Julie Andrews,
"Sound of Music" !

* Now these pictures I share today,  from yesterday morning's walk down Meyer Rd. ( a street adjoining my road),  no hill to climb yesterday!

Two goats sharing the same corral !

This goat seemed to be "the consummate performer, as he proceeded to jump up on a block and pose for the picture !....:)
More of the ever popular   "horses corral",  (they are everywhere)  here in this "great country"
Now this "selfie" as I returned to my home and my gate,  with my secret "deer episode:",   a "future event" coming up !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................:)

Saturday, May 16, 2015



One thing's for sure....I DIDN'T do it !...............:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson : author/publisher

Have you ever asked anyone, let's say,  in our business world today,  especially,  and their response is,  I didn't do it.  Maybe,  though,  they "( he, she it)"  will direct you to another department,  agent,  representative, and then ...then I hear this worn out phrase,  I'll connect you with the person who can "help" you answer that question,  I,  NEVER  get my question answered more OFTEN, than not !  Or this "tired old response",  "call back in 30 minutes, someone should be here who can help you with that issue "!  It happens huh?  I think most of these kinds of experiences amount to passing-the-buck syndrome!!

When I was "not connected with or not in tune"  with my own source of POWER over this universe (world system),,  I ran into that !    SO  frustrating !   Unbelievable and annoying to no end.  I wanted to throw up my hands in despair !  And often did that too !

Time spent in good company "re-arranging" my Life,  growing up and believing my own "POWER"
 SOURCE has created an avenue for things to work out and "cut out ridiculous confrontations"  like that ! I will say this "growing up " process takes time and also "intimacy" with the ONE SOURCE who "KNOWS" me through and through !  I'm happy to say,  that because I know that I am known,
I CAN be "honest and forthright"!  Upfront ?  Yep, upfront!  If  (IF ?) there's anything I don't understand or do not know how to accomplish I have learned  (thankfully) how to ask, AND I DO get results as long as my "cards are on the table",  played with dispatch!! Even this has to be learned!  Asking the "right" question,  even if the right question is,  "give me the right question",
will and does get me what I need to know/think/feel!  I am sooooo thankful for my connection today !

It's a "TOUGH" world, today..."certainly an understatement" , but I do know now,  it's not a matter of "who dunnit" but  " WHO CAN I RELY ON"  COMPLETELY !!!!..........................:)


(_ A Wink & a Smile_)....................................:)

Friday, May 15, 2015



Yes indeed,  a kind of hush,  morning after our rainfall

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_author/publisher

At 6:30 a.m. this morning I went for my walk up-the-hill !  Everything was still,  however I then listened to the sounds of stillness and I heard "roosters crowing," ,  "crows cawing",  "turkey's gobbling", "birds singing in the trees", & I saw a fellow stable owner cleaning up his horse's stall.
No other passers-by,  way to early for that ! So no car fumes to speak of, but here in our God-given
country,  there are never many cars,  trucks or what have you.  There ARE bicycles, and just days ago, a man in his wheelchair came barreling down the steep hill, for his morning constitutional !,
He seemed to be in great shape.  Good for him !....:)

This picture coming up I took a few days ago, 
As I begin walking 1/4 mile toward the hill, there are horses in their prospective corrals

Out there bright and early,  are their owners feeding and what not!   So devoted are they !   I like their manner and dedication to their prized possessions.  Male & female alike !  Walking further down on Meyer Rd, ...two goats,  pigs & turkeys ( gobble-gobble, oh yes they do that constantly),
It a wake up call each morning that life is beginning "anew" that day !

I am happy for each "new event"  & "feature" of the days I spend here in God's country!  It's better than any movie or TV ( I don't even have one).

I will bring you the apex of "Life and Vitality" on the move !   Wait for me, there will be more in no time,  like maybe tomorrow ?...............:)

May your day be "terrific" ! 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................:)
http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://chooseurwords.com,  htpp://lilymakesmesmile.com,  (Wordpress.com archives, 10/15 -1/15 ), Google+,

Thursday, May 14, 2015


She's a beauty alright,  oh,  which one ?

 by: Kat (Mary) Carlson;  author/publisher

My morning walks, ( and sometimes I venture out in the afternoons too),  are such  a wonderful experience.  I take my camera along with me ,  ( I am ready for excitement folks), and yesterday on my walk I heard, then saw Christa coming down the adjoining road on "Meyer", heading toward me on "Rice",   remember there are only three roads down here in our little private community...:) aka the river bottom!  Christa  (having only met her,  just then)  agreed to having her & her horse's picture taken. That put a smile on "my" face.

It never fails that in this "wonderland", I find many. many vistas and have to curtail the picture taking ! Next this also is a "spectacular view I found up-the-hlll, take a peek !

It "never " fails,  I am surrounded by views & vistas, and "Vitality and Life"

Songs such as "Heaven,  I'm in Heaven, and my Heart Beats so,  that I can Hardly Speak, and I seem to think the only happiness I seek...........actually the rest of the song is about "dancing cheek-to- cheek, but I "will" dance soon,  I will !  My brother Ron and I danced away at our sock-hops.  Did you ever have a sock-hop after the football games ?  Well, we did at Covina High School, Covina CA !  That goes back a few years.....:),  huh Ron ?

Today's walk,  I "wonder",  what will I find next ?  hmmmmmmm !

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................:)

http://1topnotchKat.org,  http://www.blogger.com/,  http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://chooseurwords.com  (wordpress archives 10/2014 - 1/2015)
http://4u2become1.blogspot.com, Google+

Wednesday, May 13, 2015



Yes,  this "IS" home, where I hang my hat !!

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson : author & publisher *

Very early on this evening I let myself get up from a long nap,  (about three hours)  and get to work on fixing up my newly re-established HOME.  After a long break from it,  I needed to make a few repairs,  etc. 

But,  after putzing around, cleaning mirrors,  (closet doors), "whew",  (just kidding), grew a little weary and decided to rest for a spell.  So as I did rest,  I meditated and this thought and reality "hit" me.  I managed to find myself back in the game of  "LIFE "....solely managing it myself,  I 
was given the opportunity to clean up/repair my own dwelling place,  "MY HEART" !  That IS where I dwell, now & forever ( same thing) !   For some grueling years I dealt with a tyrant, head of the place where I lived for a while.  Also, I had to deal with the entire world's system there.   I became transformed in my "HEART OF HEARTS ",   "readied" myself for the "REAL" world. A mighty task, HUGE,  because in doing so,   I learned who the "real" tyrant was,  and how to meet head-to-head with ME.  I learned I needed "LOVE & HEALING"!  Can't have one without the other !  They really are a marriage,  made in HEAVEN.   It "IS " divine to grow and KNOW yourself.

So, having met and getting together with me,  my HEART grew and I found my "FOR REAL"  new home right there inside me. !   Once that is established,  it can "NEVER  EVER" be taken away from you! That is SECURITY  with a capital "S".!!

I am "HAPPY" to report that now I am ready for this world because I found "myself" and will always know me and can also "TRUST" me with my LIFE. 

The fact that I have a wonderful "roof "over my head to manage by me in these later years of my LIFE is a treat.  First things first, though and since I am prepared to dwell ANYWHERE,  I can and do have this opportunity to experience the BEST !   Now, I dwell safely, in my "HEART"  under management that "really cares" for me,  "ME" !..........................................:)

A " few" shots from my former home in Glendale, CA.  Below !...:)

Martha, my wonderful 98 yr old friend, the morning of her birthday, hat..loaned to her by me, Martha still bowls and plays every game...I Love her !
A gift to myself last year, & was cared for & placed on my pretty patio In Glendale, CA

A View of my bedroom in Glendale, CA

Note,  the sign above my bed says "Love makes a house a home".....and also,  "makes a "heart" your FIRST, & foremost  _  " most important "_   HOME !"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................:)

http:;//akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://chooseurwords.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  (Word Press archives 10/2014 - 1/2015, ),  http://1topnotchKat.org,  Google+,  Kat (Mary) Carlson's blogs