Friday, August 28, 2015



"You must remember this,  a kiss is still a kiss,  a sigh is still a sigh,  the fundamental things apply,  as time goes by.......and when two lovers woo,   they still say "I love you",  on that you can rely,  the world will always welcome lovers,  "as time goes by",  ...moonlight and love songs never out of date,   hearts full of passion...........jealousy and hate,  woman meets man,  and man must have his mate,   that no one can deny,   it's still the same old story,  a night of love & glory,   a case of do or die,   the world will always welcome lovers,   "as time goes by"........  ah,  _"Sleepless in Seattle"_   Indeed !

(Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan )  "Nite -nite"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:)


Gorgeous " Lavender Inn".......................downtown Ojai on Matilija Street

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _____ author/publiisher

Once in a while,  you just decide to put " STUFF" in a blog,  well, because you just decide to,

I'll peer into my "bag of tricks",  and pick this...............

Oh yeah,  that's lovely,  don't you think  ? 

Maybe I'll look again,  ........ how about this .......

This happens to be my good friend Martha ,  98 yrs. and counting (she's still bowling & wondering why she hasn't made a strike lately )....

Not doing badly so far,  huh?  People just can't be beat ......they are funny,  curiously odd, & often so awesome too ....... Gotta love them .....Now,  what's next ?

Hey Martha,  there you are again on your 98th birthday,   wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.... ha ha ha   

I snuck that one in because,  why not ?

I admit that this picture of me is one of my favorites,  I remember the walk I took and all those pictures of Topa Topa 

exhausted me and I just plopped down outside in my patio chair,  decided I'll take a "selfie" ,  what's next,  let's see .........
Yep,  I like this pic of Chrisy ......."beautiful"   

Next ...............
Prettiest place on "earth" home 

Lily (Snow) .......funny ,  first time I gave her a last name,  of course,  Lily is my "featured image on ( ...back in 2014-2015 * lots of interesting topics there to choose from.......more stuff ?

Another "fav"  of mine,   

Be sure & mail your letters here at our Ojai Post Office

* Look out ..... more of this kind of thing ........ give yourself the attention you need

I'll stop filling these pages with "stuff",  and let you "get on with your day" ... " Happy Trails"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................:)

Thursday, August 27, 2015


IT'S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING.............( love that song,  have you heard it ? )

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _  author/publisher

My daily walks/adventures here in our local Ojai Valley,  find events & people who have stories
that excite me.  One such story is that of this fellow walker named Dennis Leary, see pic

Some time ago,  I published Dennis's picture on this blog.  He & I had a similar experience,   a fall resulting in a broken hip.

Yesterday around two months later,  I happily came across this friend of mine "walking" without his walker.  ( Dennis & I are the same age "75" ).  So out came my camera,  and he kindly let me take his picture now ...........walking anew

Bravo Dennis .......that's "GREAT"  !

Our celebrated "climb-up-this-hill"  is a challenge but oh,  it yields fabulous results!  Getting well is a "joy" to those of us who get to go there in our own "reality".  I'm proud of you Dennis!

Every morning,  before & after I pass these guys straight down my short gravel road and over the fence,  "Alpacas".  Yesterday  I couldn't resist taking this picture.  
The alpacas don't usually come up this close to the fence.  There is a "tree" behind them and that's their "hangout" as a rule.  Aren't they an interesting lot ?  And I think they are "adorable".

Vicki and Red,  my two "great" friends down at the stables,  well,   I have the pleasure of visiting these two everyday

As time progresses,  come October,  2015,  Vicki and I are going to sit down and start interviewing
with hopes of me writing Vicki and Red's interesting "LOVE" story.  Vicki's story in her own right,  is really something I want to share with folks around the world.   I know you'll fall in love with her as I have.  I can't wait to get started  ..........

More to come in the days ahead,  news about  Ojai Valley and it's vistas ,  also stories and pictures
of "very" interesting colorful people around town. 

Meanwhile, stay tuned everyone,  I am going to be driving my "golf cart" in the near future.   Keep those positive thoughts & donations coming ! 

 To donate:  (Relief Fund - Managing Transportation)  "Mary Carlson"   Thanks!

Although this golf cart is sitting in my very own back yard,  this one actually belongs to my friend,  Karen.

"It's a very happy occasion for me folks,   meeting like this each day.........................."

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ....................................................................................................:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


http://iblong2Me,com ( Relief Fund- Managing Transportation )
If you've been  on Rice Road in Ojai, CA,  head north ( toward the mountains),  to this familiar view.....appearing "just" before one heads down to the river bottom 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _  author/publisher

In my mind and fortunately some of the minds of folks around this country & further,  is the Fundraiser I have been heading up.   The name of it is Relief Fund  ( Managing Transportation). is keeping track of my campaign systems & information,  and reporting all transactions.  My Facebook page ( Mary Carlson) will inform those of you who may want to investigate and/or donate.  My "dream" is to purchase a Golf Cart,  to assist me in my transportation needs.  Hence this avenue of asking friends & family to help in what ever way they may care to,  to help make this dream of mine come true.

Viola'..... a golf cart ( similar to what I am looking to purchase) before winter rains
In this picture I have gotten off our  Ojai trolley and will continue to head down Rice Rd. _ ( above),  to my humble & CUTE  "abode."....1 1/2 miles left to go. 

So,  "Mystic Morning",  has to do with this morning's walk.  Days ago, I was talking to my older (...ha...), brother who lives up north in Spokane,  WA.   As per usual,  my walk takes me oodles of directions "in my head" and many unusual vistas as well.  I "love" to window shop,  looking and dreaming of houses I like etc.  But "inspiration" ,"personal growth",  talking with my "divine
creator",  is my "mainstay",  and "key to LIFE".  When I get there in my "heart & mind", I see
LOVE,  and creation and punctuate my "BEING".   Right in front of my "eyes"  there was a 
trellis of beautiful morning glory's.    That awareness took me to the article my brother in Spokane wrote ( Facebook _ Ron Kurtz),   In it,  he declared that "I" ,  would continue to walk,
even with my new /or old golf cart.  I chuckled to myself,   this morning,  after I saw the morning glory's  and said to myself,  now he lives in Washington,  and I live in CALIFORNIA,  "how will he know if I continue to walk ?.........Ha, ha.    So this is the way it goes,   "we" do,  know each other well,  after our ,   shall I say,   l-o-n-g acquaintance and advanced years,  _ by "NOW",  _it's apparent to each of us that,  "staying healthy" and "well" is "a- way-of-Life".  Never to part from us. _Relief Fund ( Managing transportation ) is where you will find information about why I want a golf cart,  where to donate, etc. 

Remember that "walking" cannot be substituted by a Golf Cart or any other kind of vehicle.
The benefits are nothing short of "miraculous".  For me,  I have been walking now more then three years, _ my "entire structure and being"  by  maintaining this tradition,  has made me a "new creature".  "I LOVE WHO I AM." 
Glad I don't feed a large family...... ha ha !  Anymore ! 

To those of you have "donated" to my Fundraiser,   _ I thank you !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:)

Thursday, August 20, 2015



I'm on hiatus folks,  taking a little "BREAK" for some of this summer .....   

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _author/publisher

B   stands for  "bewitched"

B   stands for  "bothered"

B   stands for  "break time"

Time for a "little" downtown shopping ....  

Summer "fun-in-the-sun"

 Make it a "happy" time

September 1,  2015 ....beginning anew
join me then,  everyone

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)................................:)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Let's talk,   for a moment  ?   

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Now, I have heard time and time again,  with " FAITH"  you can move mountains.   I am certain you have heard the same thing.   As  I was sort of meditating ( well, you know, "quiet inside" )  moment ago,   I heard a voice on the radio say to another,  same exact thing,  "you can move mountains,   if you have "faith".   With a chuckle inside,  I said to myself,  hmmmmmmmm,...
and could a mountain move a person ?    So,   you see what we all knew all along is that this "speck of DUST,  (me& you)" is  mighty important.   The mountain,  not so much !  ..............:)

Yeah,    a lesson i had this week is to not focus so closely on the "creation" so as to get hung up on what transpires when that sort of "beauty" gets completely out-of-focus.   That 'DID" happen to me more than once,  in recent years/days.    The real importance of that,   is our own being changes from time to time and when disaster imposes itself on "man/woman"  ( humanity),  to be ready" for such an event,  we will survive when we "KNOW WE KNOW",  _ "FAITH & LOVE".  It's then that nature abandons you and me,  it's then that  "knowing"  "SAVES  "YOU & ME" !
AND another "biggy" is this ,  it also "HEALS" _YOU & ME,  _ physically as well as mentally.

Thinking about these things isn't really something that is,  say on the top-of-our-list.   And quite
rightly,  it , IS _ the thoughts who have had to deal with "TRIALS",  that have called for "reaching"  & stretching beyond ........   way  beyond what meets our eyes.   Hence the reality of   "  I  walk be Faith and not by  Sight."

If you've done this and been there,  then,   for certain,  you Do know what I'm talking about.  Now,  "in retrospect,"  as difficult as it was,   I am glad I've had the "training" for "LIFE "!  
I believe every aspect of "MY LIFE".  It's a HUGE statement and knowing that curve balls come 
frequently,  it surely will be challenged.

No,  no,  not  "THIS" kind of getting ready

This kind of getting ready  "DOES"  help a lot though but,


getting down right "HONEST"  will do-the-TRICK !   "YEP",   it is what it takes,  people,
in order for you & I,  to _ "Move Mountains". 

Most of us really do "NOT "want that there mountain we "look" at and "enjoy"  "TO MOVE",
right ?  Your move .........

I've got an "arm"  that is quite "willing" to  experience "healing"....... it's "SORE"......:)     

 (_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)




These gorgeous flowers have stayed a "favorite" seems like forever......... 

by:  Kat (Mary) Carlson  _  author/publisher

In this drought season,  my yard is sporting only one rose bush.   I am not certain if I will keep even that one.   The weather has not been kind to my  "Yellow  Rose  of  Texas".   Some buds,  i have snipped and taken indoors to show off.   They really aren't well,  though.

I have pondered and debated about keeping it or "digging" it up.  Frankly,  I am not that interested  in pampering it.   Long ago,  it seems,  I used to "really"  like them.  Things change,  I changed and although they are beautiful,  my  "Yellow" rose bush has probably seen better days.

A few more pictures, ..........

The color of this beauty is exceptional 

A color like this "rose" reminds me of fine lingerie ....  soooooo  soft !  

I'm just going to give these "precious"  gems their due.   Today,  just remember them and all the times these flowers have graced hallways,  card tables,  offices,  receptionists  desks ,  birthday parties and so much more.   

Many times I have pruned my bush,  never ever thinking of it "not" gracing my garden.  How do you feel about roses ?   Please leave me a comment.   I'd very much appreciate hearing your point of view regarding this "eternal"  flower.  

Will they always ...... "BE"  ? 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).....................................................................................:)   _   ( For everyday)