Showing posts with label loveliness in nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loveliness in nature. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


http://iblong2Me,com ( Relief Fund- Managing Transportation )
If you've been  on Rice Road in Ojai, CA,  head north ( toward the mountains),  to this familiar view.....appearing "just" before one heads down to the river bottom 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _  author/publisher

In my mind and fortunately some of the minds of folks around this country & further,  is the Fundraiser I have been heading up.   The name of it is Relief Fund  ( Managing Transportation). is keeping track of my campaign systems & information,  and reporting all transactions.  My Facebook page ( Mary Carlson) will inform those of you who may want to investigate and/or donate.  My "dream" is to purchase a Golf Cart,  to assist me in my transportation needs.  Hence this avenue of asking friends & family to help in what ever way they may care to,  to help make this dream of mine come true.

Viola'..... a golf cart ( similar to what I am looking to purchase) before winter rains
In this picture I have gotten off our  Ojai trolley and will continue to head down Rice Rd. _ ( above),  to my humble & CUTE  "abode."....1 1/2 miles left to go. 

So,  "Mystic Morning",  has to do with this morning's walk.  Days ago, I was talking to my older (...ha...), brother who lives up north in Spokane,  WA.   As per usual,  my walk takes me oodles of directions "in my head" and many unusual vistas as well.  I "love" to window shop,  looking and dreaming of houses I like etc.  But "inspiration" ,"personal growth",  talking with my "divine
creator",  is my "mainstay",  and "key to LIFE".  When I get there in my "heart & mind", I see
LOVE,  and creation and punctuate my "BEING".   Right in front of my "eyes"  there was a 
trellis of beautiful morning glory's.    That awareness took me to the article my brother in Spokane wrote ( Facebook _ Ron Kurtz),   In it,  he declared that "I" ,  would continue to walk,
even with my new /or old golf cart.  I chuckled to myself,   this morning,  after I saw the morning glory's  and said to myself,  now he lives in Washington,  and I live in CALIFORNIA,  "how will he know if I continue to walk ?.........Ha, ha.    So this is the way it goes,   "we" do,  know each other well,  after our ,   shall I say,   l-o-n-g acquaintance and advanced years,  _ by "NOW",  _it's apparent to each of us that,  "staying healthy" and "well" is "a- way-of-Life".  Never to part from us. _Relief Fund ( Managing transportation ) is where you will find information about why I want a golf cart,  where to donate, etc. 

Remember that "walking" cannot be substituted by a Golf Cart or any other kind of vehicle.
The benefits are nothing short of "miraculous".  For me,  I have been walking now more then three years, _ my "entire structure and being"  by  maintaining this tradition,  has made me a "new creature".  "I LOVE WHO I AM." 
Glad I don't feed a large family...... ha ha !  Anymore ! 

To those of you have "donated" to my Fundraiser,   _ I thank you !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:)